
  • 网络telecommunications market;telecom marketing
  1. 关联规则挖掘在电信市场研究中的应用

    An Application of Association Rules Mining In The Telecom Marketing Analysis

  2. 随着中国电信业改革不断深入,电信市场的竞争日益加剧,电信运营商之间对客户的争夺也越来越激烈。

    With the reforming of Chinese telecommunication Industry , the competitions in the telecom marketing become more drastic , and holding customers in the telecommunication operators become more and more intense .

  3. 随着电信市场竞争的加剧,全球固话业务被移动分流

    Along with the accelerated competition in telecom market , mobile services divests part of fixed telephone services .

  4. 随着我国加入WTO,电信市场已逐渐由卖方市场向买方市场过渡,电信行业正面临着新的机遇和挑战。

    With China 's entry into WTO , telecommunications industry faces new opportunities and challenges .

  5. 首先分析了WTO对中国经济的影响,尤其是对电信市场的影响。

    First , analyze the impact of Chinese entering WTO to the economy , especially to the telecommunication markt .

  6. 网络经济条件下我国电信市场竞争的特点及对策&以3G业务的市场竞争为例

    The Feature and Measures of Telecom Market Competition under the Networked Economy : Take the 3G Market Competition for example

  7. 面对目前电信市场的变化,中国网通集团提出了NGN发展的战略,山西网通为应对市场竞争响应集团的战略,建设了NGN网络。

    China Netcom Group proposed the development of NGN strategy to respond to the change of telecommunication market .

  8. 超竞争环境信息扫描系统模型及其在XA电信市场的分析和应用

    Analysis and Application of Information Scanning System in XA Telecom Market under Super-Competitive Environment

  9. 随着电信市场竞争日趋激烈,传统电信运营商需要向综合信息服务提供商转型,而大力开展ICT(信息通信技术)业务为转型重点。

    With the intensive competition of telecommunication markets , operators need transforming to information service providers and ICT services are critical .

  10. 随着中国加入WTO,中国的电信市场将更加开放,移动通信也不能幸免,竞争将在更大的范围、更深的层次展开。

    With China 's entry in WTO , telecommunications market with no exception of mobile communication in China would be more open than before . Competition will be expanded in larger range and depth .

  11. 经济全球化,特别是我国进入WTO之后,开放的电信市场要求成都电信也必须加入无缝服务(SeamlessService)和一揽子服务(OneStopShopping)的全球性竞争。

    Economic globalization , especially after China entered into the World Trade Organization , the open telecommunications market requests Chengdu Telecom join in the global competition of " seamless service " and " one stop shopping " .

  12. 它将语音传输与IP网络联系起来,改变了语音传输的承载网络和传输方式,极大地冲击着全球传统电信市场,挑战着语音通讯业务的运营模式。

    Combining voice transmission with IP network , VoIP changes the carrying network and transmission way , greatly influences the traditional telecom market in the world , and challenges the running pattern of voice communication business .

  13. 随着下一代网络(NGN)技术的迅猛发展和电信市场需求的快速增长,我国即将进入NGN部署的关键时期。

    With the rapid development of NGN technologies and telecom market , China will enter a critical stage of deployment for next generation network ( NGN ) .

  14. 可以预见,在不久的将来,CORBA将被广泛用于开放的电信市场环境下业务的快速构造及资源和业务的有效管理。

    It is predicted that CORBA , in the near future , will be widely used in the fast construction of operations and the effective management of sources in the open telecommunication market environment .

  15. 随着全球移动通信网络向3G(第三代移动通信技术)过渡,以及国内各大运营商的重组和全业务化,全面开放、激烈竞争的中国电信市场已经形成。

    With the development of global 3G mobile communication network , the major domestic operators of restructuring and the business have been changed . A fully opened , competitive telecom market has come in China .

  16. 本文简要介绍和分析了美国和欧盟目前对如何管制Internet电话业务的立场,并建议有关部门应重视制定相关法规,以对Internet电话业务加以规范,保证整个电信市场健康有序地发展。

    The article briefly introduces and analyzes the position given by USA and European Union on how to control Internet business , and gives the suggestion to make related laws and decrees in order to standardize telephone business and to develop the whole telecom market healthily and orderly .

  17. 随着国内3G牌照的正式发放,中国电信市场正式进入了三大运营商主导的全业务竞争时代。

    With the release of 3G licenses for mobile telecommunication technology in China , long-awaited telecommunications restructuring plan finally dust settles , China telecom market formally entered three operators dominant of 3G era for all the business competition .

  18. 根据我国当前电信市场特别是语音业务市场发展的总体形势和我国电信运营企业的情况,并参考国外的管制经验,提出我国现阶段VoIP的管制政策。

    According to our country current telecommunication market is specially the pronunciation service market development overall situation and our country telecommunication operation enterprise 's situation , and the reference overseas control experience , proposes our country present stage VoIP control policy .

  19. XX省移动公司经过10年的高速发展,在电信市场占据了不可撼动的地位,这在很大程度上有赖于网络也即固定资产优势。

    After 10 years of rapid development , mobile communication company has occupied an unshakable position in the telecom market . This is largely due to the advantage of the network that is the fixed assets of the company .

  20. 不远的将来,3G数据业务的爆炸式增长将带来电信市场整体规模的扩大,不同制式网络的技术和产业链之间的竞争将是后重组时代电信市场竞争的主旋律。

    In the near future , the explosive growth of 3G data services will lead the expansion of the telecommunication market , the competition between different standard network technologies and the industrial chain will be the main theme of telecommunication competition market in the beyond-restructure era .

  21. 但在经历一段时间的高速发展之后,移动电信市场日趋成熟,移动资费日益降低,特别是各家电信运营商3G业务的陆续开通,对小灵通的持续发展带来了巨大的威胁和挑战。

    Experienced a period of high-speed development , however , with the mature of mobile telecommunication market , lower tariff , especially the starting of 3G services from domestic and international carriers in succession , PHS service faced the big threat and challenge of sustainable development .

  22. 因电信市场发展的日渐饱和,发展新用户增量市场的潜力越来越小,所以各大运营商将发展目标集中于提升在网用户的ARPu值。

    The development of telecommunication market is saturated gradually , and the development potential of new user incremental market is becoming smaller , so the communication operators have focus their attention on improving the Average Revenue Per-User ( ARPU ) value .

  23. 浅析电信市场信用体系的构建

    Briefly on the construction of credit system of the telecom market

  24. 浅论中国电信市场监管政策

    A Discussion of the Monitoring Regulations Regarding China 's Telecommunication Market

  25. 中国电信市场未来发展趋势研究

    A Study on the Development Trend of China 's Telecommunications Market

  26. 中国电信市场的有效前沿移动与技术进步货车缓缓地沿着往前移动。

    Technology Progress and Efficiency Frontier Moving in Chinese Telecommunications Market ;

  27. 场地出租服务促进电信市场开放

    Co - location Service Promotes the Opening of Telecom Market

  28. 港、澳、台电信市场的发展

    Telecom Market Development in Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan Tianjin Port

  29. 电信市场已经开放竞争了。

    The telecommunications market has been opened up to competition .

  30. 中国经济欠发达区域电信市场竞争规制研究

    Research on Competition Regulation of Telecom Market in Less-Developed Region of China