
  • 网络mass communication;Mass Communication Studies;media studies
  1. 本人在读大学本科时,曾主修中文和大众传播学。

    As an undergraduate , I had a double major of Chinese and Mass Communication .

  2. 比较大众传播学的几个基本问题

    Research on Some Basic Problems of Comparative Mass Communication

  3. 受众是大众传播学中的一个重要概念。

    Audience is an import an t concept in mass media .

  4. 但是,我们对于国际大众传播学的最新发展了解十分不足。

    However , it is still quite deficient in our knowledge about the up-to-date development of international mass communication .

  5. 电视观众学作为大众传播学的一个新学科,在新世纪新时期应明确自己的责任,担负起新的使命。

    As a new subject in mass communications , Science of TV Viewers should shoulder its responsibilities in the new era .

  6. 大众传播学中的议程设置理论在实践中对新闻媒体热点问题的提出具有重要的指导意义。

    The theory of agenda setting in mass-communication has important and instructive function in putting forward the hot affairs to the news media in practice .

  7. 本文尝试以法国哲学家米歇尔·福柯的视角,为大众传播学对媒介话语、媒介与受众关系的研究打开新的思路。

    The writer tries to develop the study fields in media discourse and " mass media-audience " in the perspective of Michel Foucault , French philosopher .

  8. 本研究试图从大众传播学、组织传播学的角度,进行高校危机传播管理研究,建构应对高校危机的媒体策略。

    The research tries to use mass communication , organizational communication approach to study crisis communication management in colleges , and construct media strategy of college crisis .

  9. 而涵化理论,作为大众传播学效果研究中的一个重要理论,近三十年来持续影响着人们对于以电视为代表的大众传媒的认识。

    Cultivation theory , one of the important communication effects theories , continuously affects the recognition of the mass media , especially television in the last thirty years .

  10. 在大众传播学中,受众是信息的接收者,是信息传播的终端。

    In the study of Masses ' dissemination , the receivers are the people who receive information and they are also the terminal end of the dissemination of information .

  11. 大众传播学的研究中心基本形成,但其在研究内容、研究方法上的特色尚不够鲜明;

    6 , The research centers of mass communication have come into being on the whole , but the characteristics in research content and research method are not sharp-out ;

  12. 本文以新闻学、大众传播学的理论成果和基本原理为支撑,以期对大众传媒在绿色文化传播中的问题与对策进行较为系统的论证和研究。

    This paper is base on theories and basic principles of journalism and mass communication , system demonstration and research to the problems and countermeasures of the mass media in the Green Culture Communication .

  13. 以中国若干对新、旧城市关系中的经典代表&重庆、成都为实证考察的对象,还会对区域传播学与比较大众传播学的发展有所启迪。

    Focusing on Chengdu and Chongqing , the typical cases of the new and old city relation in China , the research can also stimulate the Science of Regional Communication and Comparative Mass Communication .

  14. 最后,应用现代大众传播学知识,结合受众调查,对腾冲地景资源科学信息传播的结构与模式、策略进行深入研究,并提出相应的保障措施。

    Lastly , with modern communication knowledge and audience investigation , the article studies the structure , the pattern and the strategy of the science information diffusion and puts forward the corresponding assuring measures .

  15. 目前对战事报道的研究越来越受到关注,但是,这些研究多数基于军事策略或大众传播学研究视角,从语言学角度进行的研究还不多见。

    Currently , war coverage has received more and more attention , but the previous research on war coverage mainly from the perspective of military strategies or mass communications with little attention on linguistic theories .

  16. 本文从社会媒体、新闻传播学和大众传播学入手分析,电视是一种大众媒体,是传递大众信息的一个载体,数字化能够使媒体汇聚出新的形式。

    From the angle of social media , news communication and mass communication , television is considered as a mass media and a carrier to transmit public information , and the digitization can make media forms richer .

  17. 近年来,大众传播学和教育技术学等领域的一些学者又开始关注媒体素养教育,但研究的深度和广度都迫切需要深化。

    In recent years , some scholars in the fields of public communication and educational technology begin to pay attention to the education on media literacy , but the depth and the width of the research urgently need expansion .

  18. 通过大众传播学与室内环境设计两者学科交叉的方法,把大众传播学理论应用到室内设计中,为室内设计理论的研究提供新的思路和启示。

    Methods cross and indoor environment design the two disciplines through the mass media , the mass communication theory is applied to the interior design , to provide new ideas and inspiration for the study of interior design theory .

  19. 但是这一观点受到了来自大众传播学、社会学、语言学特别是批评话语分析等领域学者的质疑和挑战。

    This point of view has been greatly challenged by scholars from the fields of mass communication , sociology , linguistics , especially by those critical discourse analysts whose research focus is to uncover the hidden ideologies and power relations in language .

  20. 大众传播学研究表明,网络新闻媒体的繁荣,与传统新闻媒体一样,需要尊重读者意愿,满足读者在新闻内容和阅读新闻过程两方面的满足诉求。

    Mass communication researchers have acknowledged that the prosperity of the online news media , like traditional news media , need to explore real demand of readers in the following two aspects : one is the mere information content , the other is the process of browsing news online .

  21. 武汉音乐学院大众音乐传播学的教学与研究

    Teaching and Study of Mass Communication of Music in Wuhan Conservatory of Music

  22. 《无极》vs.《馒头》:大众传播功能主义学的解读

    " Promise " vs. " Steamed Bread ": An Explanation from Mass Communication Functionalism

  23. 手机短信介入大众传媒反馈的传播学解释

    The Communicative Explanation of the Feedback of Cell-phone Short Message in Mass Media

  24. 关于拟态环境的影响,学者们的研究集中在拟态环境的应用方面,主要是在大众传播领域、社会学领域内的影响,而在教育学领域内的研究则相对薄弱。

    About the influence of the pseudo environment , the scholars ' research concentrated on application of the pseudo environment , and it is mainly the influence in the field of mass media and the sociology , but the research in the pedagogy is relatively weak .

  25. 马克思主义大众化研究的是在大众传播学语境下如何更广泛地传播马克思主义,简言之,马克思主义大众化就是一个政治传播学问题。

    The study of popularization of Marxism is to find how to disseminate extensively Marxism in the context of mass communication , which is also a question of political communication .

  26. 媒介是谁:对大众媒介社会定位的探讨&兼论大众传播研究的社会学框架

    What is the Media : A Discussion on Media Position in Society

  27. 近些年来,大众传媒与乡村社会发展已受到了学界的广泛关注,有不少学者从大众传播和社会学的角度进行了研究。

    In recent years , the research of mass media and rural social development has been paid extensive attention in academic circles .