
  1. 新闻专业主义的建构与消解&对西方大众传播者研究历史的解读

    The Construction and Disperse of the Professional Journalism : An Analysis of the research history of the communication in the west

  2. 网络时代大众传播研究者面临的挑战与机遇&从受众研究和内容分析说起

    Chances and Challenges to Mass Communication Researchers in the Internet Age

  3. 这些特点使得克拉克成为一个有效而有威望的大众科学传播者,特别是在太空旅行,通讯技术以及设想各种未来情景方面。

    These attributes helped Clarke become an effective , credible communicator of popular science , especially on space travel , communication technologies and futuristic scenarios .

  4. 大众传播第三者效果研究二十年

    Twenty Years of Research on " The Third-Person Effect " of Mass Dissemination

  5. 在这些变革的现象中,本雅明又向我们展示了他对大众传媒的传播者、大众传媒的接受者、大众传媒的代表性载体摄影与电影的独特见解。

    Of which , he shown us his particular opinion towards the disseminator , acceptor and the most representative carrier of mass medium-photography and movie .

  6. 父母、老师、工作同伴和大众媒体的传播者都能激发我们潜在的兴趣。

    Parents , teachers in schools , work associates and communicators in or using the mass media are all capable of arousing our potential interests .

  7. 大众传媒是职业传播者搜集、制作并借助媒介传递信息,并对受众施加影响的一个过程。

    Abstralt : Mass media means collecting , producing and sending information by the use of media , which are made by the professional transmitters .