
  • 网络two-time selling
  1. 本章分析了报业组织价值链构成,指出知识生产是报业价值链基础,正是报业的知识特性使得报业二次售卖变为多次售卖。

    This chapter analyzes the constitution of newspaper organization value , and points out that the knowledge production is the foundation of the newspaper industry value chain .

  2. 新兴的中国现代商业杂志,其运作是一个相当复杂的系统:它以第二、三次售卖为主要收入来源,在赢利模式上与传统杂志有着本质的区别;

    The Chinese modern commercial magazine has newly risen , whose operations are rather complex systems : it has second and third-time sales as its main income and has the essential difference in profit model from the traditional magazines .