
èr bǎ shou
  • second in office/command
  • the second chief
二把手 [èr bǎ shǒu]
  • [the second chief] 指一个地区、单位等的排在第二位的负责人

  1. 该政党的二把手对疏远与工会之间关系一事态度谨慎。

    The deputy leader is cautious about loosening the links with the unions

  2. 2001年,在阿根廷发生违约的几个月前,安妮克鲁格(annekrueger)接任imf二把手。

    Anne Krueger took over as second-in-command at the IMF in 2001 just months before the Argentine default .

  3. Facebook的二把手谢勒尔•桑德伯格(SherylSandberg),比他的年轻的男上司马克•扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)更加广受称赞。

    Sheryl Sandberg , the number two at Facebook , is more widely applauded than her young male boss , Mark Zuckerberg .

  4. 上一赛季,身为一把手的他甚至沾不上MVP的边,他凭什么认为这个现象会改变,当他成为了一只拥有最高占球率球员的球队的二把手时?

    He wasn 't even close last season as the first option , why does he think that 'll change being the second option to the highest usg % player in the league ?

  5. 经手这次招聘的是猎头公司Crist/KolderAssociates,其董事长彼得•克里斯特(PeterCrist)说,这位首席运营长表示他曾在2008年辞去另一家零售企业的二把手职务,原因是首席执行长拒绝放权。

    He said he had stepped down as second in command of another retailer in 2008 because the chief executive resisted relinquishing control , according to Peter Crist , chairman of recruiters Crist / Kolder Associates , which handled the 2011 hunt .

  6. 也不是因为你要失去一位优秀的二把手了。

    And not because you are losing a good number two .

  7. 他是第二把手,不是第一。

    He was number two , never the first in command .

  8. 你很适合在塞维利亚管弦乐队做二把手。

    You 're too good for that second rate Orchestra in seville .

  9. 他被指派为第二把手。

    He was told off as second in charge .

  10. 我在这里是二把手。

    I 'm here in a number two capacity .

  11. 我也是这里的二把手。

    And I 'm number two around here .

  12. 不论做一把手,还是二把手、三把手,都要负起自己的责任来。

    Whether first , second or third in command , each must assume his reponsibility .

  13. 他们宁愿像自己的老板一样失败,也不愿做个成功的二把手。

    They would rather fail as their own boss than succeed as second-in - command .

  14. 批评人士中甚至包括他长期以来的二把手和密友盖瑞•柯恩。

    Those critics may even include his long-time number two and close friend Gary Cohn .

  15. 尚格。云顿扮演一名官员,刚被任命为美国驻东欧混乱小国大使馆的使节二把手。

    Jean Claude plays an official who 's just been appointed as Second In Command to the U.S.

  16. 埃克莱斯顿据报道有过这样的玩笑话:二把手可以发传真可以买咖啡,但是除了这些也没什么别的能耐了。

    Mr Ecclestone reportedly jokes that a number two could send faxes and bring coffee , but nothing else .

  17. 很多看上去不可战胜的企业家,在工作中是自己旗下业务的一把手,在家里却只是二把手。

    Many seemingly invincible entrepreneurs are Lord of all they survey in the office , but second-in-command at home .

  18. 周呢,最能懂得毛的意思,我对他的评价:他是天生的第二把手。

    Zhou best understood Maos wishes . My critique of him is that he was by nature a second fiddle .

  19. 三个月之内,他便被任命为执行主编,成为报社的二把手;三年之内,他就荣升主编。

    Within three months he was named managing editor , the second in command ; within three years he was executive editor .

  20. 普拉姆的不那么聪明的二把手声称有三个渊凯奴隶猎手在营地间逡巡寻找一对逃跑的侏儒。

    Plumm 's not-so-cunning second-in-command claimed that three Yunkish slave-catchers were prowling through the camps , asking after a pair of escaped dwarfs .

  21. 布拉德利还需要证明他的持球能力和决策能力已经达到标准水平,即便他的定位仅仅是詹姆斯身边的二把手。

    Bradley also needs to show that his ball-handling and decision-making are up to par , even in a secondary role with James .

  22. 米努西乌斯是费边的骑兵长官,即罗马军队的二把手,他最终与费边合作无间。

    Marcus Minucius his " Master of Horse " or second in command of all Roman forces , was eventually entrusted with dual-command with Fabius .

  23. 我是一家广告公司的二把手,公司刚刚推出了一个环保自行车购买计划,目的是鼓励员工骑车上班。

    I am number two in an advertising agency that has just introduced a green bike purchase scheme to encourage staff to cycle to work .

  24. 他宣布将暂时休假就医治疗,六月回归,此间公司二把手蒂姆。库克将临时接手苹果。

    He announced that he was taking medical leave until June , during which time his number two , Tim Cook , would run Apple .

  25. 1902年在美国旧西部:“假小子卡西迪的野蛮恶棍”团伙的二把手“小子”卡瑞·洛根被宣判20年入狱和苦役服刑。

    1902-American Old West : Second-in-command of Butch Cassidy 's Wild Bunch gang , Kid Curry Logan , is sentenced to20 years imprisonment with hard labor .

  26. 约翰逊之所以肯屈就第二把手,原因之一是:不论希望多么渺茫,他都可能有机会当上总统。

    Johnson agreed to the number-two slot for one reason : there was a chance , however faint , that he might accede to the presidency .

  27. 在华为担任董事长12年之久的她如今已经成为华为的二把手,并被公认为集团创始人及首席执行长官任正非最有希望的继承人之一。

    She is the No.2 at the telecom company , serving as board chair for12 years and considered one of the top candidates to succeed founder and CEO , Ren Zhengfei .

  28. 普遍的观点是,希拉里希望分享奥巴马的入场券&暂时当二把手,但是谁知道从现在到11月份期间会发生什么呢?

    Mrs Clinton , it is widely understood , wishes to share the ticket – as number two , for the moment , but who knows what might happen between now and November ?

  29. 当时和我们同行的是雷蒙德•奥丹尔默将军,他是美军驻伊拉克高级指挥官的第二把手。他身体强悍、剃着光头。

    It derives from a brief trip we did with General Raymond Odairmo the second most senior American military commander in Iraq , a great bull of a man with a shaved head .

  30. 作为霸天虎的二把手,他装作对威震天唯命是从,但是总是寻找机会削弱威震天的领导权,自己去夺取霸天虎的控制权。

    As the second in command , he pretends to be loyal to MEGATRON , but is always looking for an opportunity to weaken his leader 's rule and take control of the DECEPTICONS .