
fú wù qī
  • period of service
  1. 师范教育服务期制度是师范教育制度的重要组成部分,是师范教育效果顺利达成的保障制度。

    The period of service system of normal education is an important component of the normal education system . It 's the system which guaranteed the effect of normal education effectively .

  2. 但是应当看到,劳动合同服务期作为一项新的制度,是《劳动合同法》中允许用人单位可以同劳动者签订由劳动者支付违约金的仅有的二条款之一。

    But ought to see , the labor contract period of service as a new system , is the labor contract law as many employers with workers signed the liability for breach of contract is one of only two terms .

  3. 2008年,当中尉林塞格雷厄姆(lindseygraham)抵达伊拉克北部城市拜伊吉(bayji),开始为期15个月的服务期时,第一件事就是邀请当地警察局的头头们来美军基地共进午餐。

    When first lieutenant Lindsey Gerheim arrived in the northern Iraqi city of bayji for a 15-month tour in 2008 , one of her first actions was to invite its police chiefs to the US Army base for lunch .

  4. 中介方提供的服务期与合同期一致。

    The service of intermediary is available during the contract period .

  5. 在三个月售后服务期内,可以包换。

    In the three months period after-sales service can be shifting .

  6. 其次,确定服务期的一般长度标准及例外适用。

    Secondly determine the general length standards of the Service Term and exceptions .

  7. 根据所完成在港服务期而计算的酬金

    Gratuity relating to the completed period of resident service

  8. 服务期协议:概念、本质及其法律效力分析

    Service period contract : analysis to its concept , essence and legal effect

  9. 晚辈级别较低者,服务期较短者;下属。

    A person lesser in rank or time of participation or service ; subordinate .

  10. 订明培训、服务期、竞业禁止及劳动派遣机构资格的规定。

    Specification of training and service periods , non-competition and qualification of the labour dispatch agents .

  11. 在她的服务期结束时,伊拉克警方已不需要美军的协助就能独自运作了。

    By the time her tour ended , the police were functioning without the assistance of the US military .

  12. 双方可另行签订《培训协议》,约定具体服务期、违约责任并执行。

    The parties may conclude a training contract separately , to specify the term of service and liquidated damages .

  13. 正是基于服务期的以上优点,《劳动合同法》吸收了该制度。

    Based on the merits mentioned above , the system of Service Term is absorbed by the Labor Contract Law .

  14. 根据中国的法律,这意味着八年服务期之后他们的汽车将报废。

    Under China 's laws , this means their cars will have to leave the road after eight years of service .

  15. 其结论是由于在巷道的服务期内,围岩的不协调变形不会停止,所以锚杆的工况一直在变化当中。

    It was put forward that the working performance is changing continually because the roadway deformation cant stop in its service time .

  16. 而在计算任何战时服务期时,人员在年届18岁之前从事的服务无须理会。

    And in calculating any period of war service , service before the officer attained the age of18 years shall be disregarded .

  17. 而且服务期一般为一年,一年之后可续签一年,如不续签,结束服务成为待业青年。

    But generally , one year after year term for a year , if not renew can renew , end service waiting-for-job youth .

  18. 许多国家手语翻译职业化进程大体都经历了三个时期:偶发场合的自愿服务期;

    The professionalization of sign language interpreting in many countries has all experienced three major phases : the period of volunteer service at occasional situations ;

  19. 本章分析立法对于服务期违约金、竞业限制与保密违约金规定之不足,提出相关的立法建议。

    Regarding to the legislative gap of the liquidated damages of a term of service , competition restriction and confidentiality , I propose relatedly legislative suggestions .

  20. 劳动者违反服务期约定的,应当按照约定向用人单位支付违约金。

    Where any worker is in violation of the service period stipulation , he shall pay the employer a penalty for breach of contract as stipulated .

  21. 这样,雇主便不能随意将服务期责任加诸雇员身上,要其缴交相应罚款。

    As a result , an employer will not be able to impose the service period obligation and the corresponding fine on an employee so wilfully .

  22. 客户机向服务器发出命令,该命令在服务期上得到处理,而处理的结果再返回给客户机。

    The client issues a command ti the server , which gets processed at the server and the results are sent back to the client machine .

  23. 在《劳动合同法》正式实施之前,服务期就已经以合同的形式就被广泛运用于现实的劳动关系领域。

    Before Implementation Of the " Labor Contract Law ", the contract of service period has been widely used in the field of labor relations in practice .

  24. 服务期是劳动合同当事人通过协商约定的劳动者为用人单位必须服务的期限。

    Service period is the term that the laborer that labor contract party agrees through talking things over must serve for unit of choose and employ persons .

  25. 在服务期内,我们丝毫不会因市场引诱,价格波动,行业恶意竞争而影响我们的服务质量。

    In service period , we still does not deceived , because market price fluctuation , malicious competition and influence our industry the quality of the service .

  26. 再次,平衡服务期劳动合同双方的责任分配,这是文章主要的创新点。

    Thirdly , it should be balanced for the responsibility of the both sides of the labor contract . This is the main innovation of this article .

  27. 针对当前桥梁领域中服务期维护成本过高等现状,一种改良的桥梁设计理论&桥梁全寿命成本设计理论也逐渐开始为人们所关注。

    With Regard to high cost of bridge maintenance currently , a modified bridge design theory which is based on the life cycle cost has attracted increasing attention gradually .

  28. 但任何由于暂时停职而导致的服务期中断,如暂时停职非因行为不当或自动辞职而致使的,则就本款而言无须理会。

    Provided that any break in service caused by temporary suspension of employment not arising from misconduct or voluntary resignation shall be disregarded for the purposes of this paragraph .

  29. 用人单位要求劳动者支付的违约金不得超过服务期尚未履行部分所应分摊的培训费用。

    The penalty for breach of contract that the worker pays as required by the employer shall be no more than the training expenses caused in the service period unperformed .

  30. 《劳动合同法实施条例》及相关法律能够约束用人单位随意约定培训服务期的行为。

    Moreover , the Regulation on the Implementation of the Employment Contract Law and relevant regulations can constrain this behavior which training service period is appointed at employer 's option .