
  • 网络Service Outsourcing
  1. 金融危机背景下中国服务外包业发展道路的探析

    Exploring into the Way of Service Outsourcing Development in China under Financial Crisis Background

  2. 服务外包业,正是一种应时而生的产业。

    Service outsourcing industry , it is a kind of the industry and birth .

  3. 服务外包业中OCR前期对图片的处理

    Picture processing before OCR in BPO

  4. 我国发展离岸服务外包业的宏观影响因素分析及对策研究

    The Research on the Macro-contributors and Strategy of Developing Offshore Service Outsourcing Industry in China

  5. 第三部分对当前全球服务外包业和我国国内服务外包业的发展现状和趋势进行了分析总结,具体说明了长株潭城市群发展服务外包业所处的国际及国内环境。

    Part III describes the current development status and trends of the international service outsourcing industry .

  6. 目前,服务外包业作为服务业的重要内容,正逐渐成为带动服务行业发展的重要动力。

    Currently , service-outsourcing industry is becoming an important driving force to push the service industry ahead .

  7. 服务外包业作为一个新的经济增长点备受各国关注,并得到了蓬勃发展。

    Service outsourcing , considered as a new economic growth point by many countries , is now flourishing .

  8. 但我听说,对承载服务外包业发展的软件园来说,“冬天的寒冷”并不是唯一的主题。

    However I heard that the cold winter is not the only theme for the service outsourcing industry of DLSP .

  9. 在第二章中,我以无锡市的个案为例来探讨这一问题,分析了无锡市发展服务外包业的现状、背景、动力、自身的优势和约束性条件所在。

    Chapter two elaborates the current situation , background , motive force , advantage and restriction of Wuxi service outsourcing .

  10. 目前,专业人才的短缺已经成为制约服务外包业发展的瓶颈。

    At present , the lack of professional talent has become the bottleneck which restricts the continual development of outsourcing .

  11. 但是,与服务外包业发展较快的国家,如印度、爱尔兰等国相比,中国还有一定的差距。

    However , contract with the countries which service outsourcing industry develop quickly , such as India , Ireland , China also has certain disparity .

  12. 在接下来的第三章分析了无锡市投资促进政策的演进,现有的推进服务外包业发展的投资促进政策体系的构成要素及其对无锡服务外包业发展的绩效及问题所在。

    Chapter three analyzes the development of service outsourcing , elements of the investment promotion policy system promoted by the service outsourcing and its performances and problems .

  13. 近十年来,我国的信息服务外包业也发展很快,但相对日本、印度、欧美等国家而言,还有很大的差距。

    The industry of information service outsourcing in China also has grown fast , however , the gap is very obvious compared with Japan , India and Occident .

  14. 研究表明发展服务外包业所带来的就业增长效应、技术溢出效应、教育培训效应能够提升大学生的就业率。

    Studies show that promoting the development of service outsourcing can bring about employment growth , skill excluding effects and educational training effects which increase the employment rate of college grads .

  15. 与制造业相比,服务外包业具有污染小、能耗少等优势,符合国家节能减排的要求。

    Compared with the manufacturing , services outsourcing industry has little pollution , little energy consumption and other advantages , and it can meet the requirements of the national energy saving .

  16. 福建省在发展服务外包业方面有竞争优势,但是,福建省在培养服务外包人才方面存诸多的问题。

    Fujian has a competitive advantage in terms of developing service outsourcing , but there are many problems remaining to be solved in terms of training qualified personnel for it in this Province .

  17. 2008年全球经济遭遇自1929年经济大萧条时代以来的最大危机,中国的离岸服务外包业也因此受到影响。

    In 2008 , global economy has been suffering from the greatest crisis since the great economy recession in 1929 , which has severe impact on the offshore service outsourcing business in China .

  18. 在技术体系复杂的石油产业和冶金产业所在城市,以现代化方式改造传统产业,大力发展生产性服务外包业,形成某一领域的现代服务业高地。

    In the city which has a complex technique system of oil industry and metallurgical industry , take modern methods to transform traditional industries , develop the productive service outsourcing industry , and form a certain advanced area of modern service industry .

  19. 中国制造业服务外包与服务业劳动生产率的提升

    Service Outsourcing from Manufacturing and Productivity Growth of Services in China

  20. 外商对上海投资持续增长,外商投资的结构和质量不断优化,跨国公司通过设立各级总部以及BPO等服务外包方式加快服务业向中国转移。

    Continued growth of foreign investment in Shanghai , foreign investment to optimize the structure and quality , at all levels through the establishment of headquarters in multinational corporations and outsourcing BPO services to speed up service to China .

  21. 随着全球产业的升级即向服务业转移,国际服务外包作为服务业离岸转移的一种重要形式成为世界服务业现代化、全球化发展的趋势。

    With global industry upgrade to service , international outsourcing , as an important way for service offshoring now is representing a new trend for modernization and globalization of service industry .

  22. 当前经济全球化正在进入新的发展阶段,全球经济结构的调整和产业的重组使得全球产业从制造业向服务业转移,服务业外包成为服务业全球化发展的重要趋势。

    At present , the economic globalization is entering a new development stage , the worldwide adjustment of economic structure and industrial restructuring result in the global industry shifting from manufacturing to service and service outsourcing has become the important trend of service globalization .

  23. 随着全球产业由制造业向服务业的优化与升级,依托信息技术和服务可贸易革命,国际服务外包作为服务业离岸转移的一种重要形式,成为世界服务业现代化、全球化发展的趋势。

    As the global industry optimization and upgrading from manufacturing to service , the international service outsourcing has changed into the modernization and globalization trends of service and an important form of transfering industry relying on information technology and services trade revolution .

  24. 于是继制造业之后,服务业的跨国转移成为了新一轮全球产业调整和布局的大势所趋,而国际服务外包则是服务业跨国转移中最重要的推动因素。

    So after the international transfer of manufacture industry , the international transfer of service has become the mainstream of global industrial adjustment , in which international service outsourcing is the primary growing factor .

  25. 第二,理论分析上:(1)利用服务业与制造业两者之间的动态融合关系,运用产业结构升级理论,从产品内分工的视角探究了生产性服务外包助推制造业升级的内在作用机理。

    Using the dynamic fusion relationship between services and manufacturing , utilizing the upgrading theory of industrial structure , the thesis explores the internal mechanism of productive service outsourcing driving manufacturing upgrading .