
  1. 为了完成高中毕业所需要的志愿者服务定额,琳赛为寄养家庭女孩儿收集并捐出一些旧衣服。

    To fulfill the school 's volunteer service requirement for graduation , Giambattista collected and donated used clothes to foster care children .

  2. 居住小区商业服务设施定额标准依据探讨

    Discussion of Making Quantitative Criterion of Commercial & Service Facilities in Residence Community in the next century

  3. 尽快完善对社区卫生服务的定额补助政策,全面推进社区卫生服务发展。

    And perfecting as soon as possible the policy of setting quotas for subsidies to community health service and promoting in an all-round way community health service development .

  4. 制定后勤服务主导行业消耗定额推进精细化管理

    Draw up the Consumption Quantum of Logistics Dominant Industry to Promote Fine Management

  5. 强调要尊重价值规律,了解医疗服务价格的成本结构,建立科学的医疗服务费用消耗定额与成本核算方法,实行医疗收费价格分级管理。

    The cost structure of medical services prices should be known . Scientific consumption quota of medical services and cost accounting methods should be established . The charging prices administration of medical services should be classified .