
  • 网络Service Brand;Serving brand
  1. 2002年本院顺利通过ISO9000质量体系认证审核。结论实施满意工程作为一项护理管理措施,对树立护理服务品牌、提升病人对医院品牌的信任度起到积极的促进作用。

    Conclusion Implementing the satisfactory project is becoming one of the important methods of the management in prompting the forming of the service brand of nursing and increasing the patients ' confidence in the hospital .

  2. 服务品牌特征及其对消费者影响刍议

    The Analysis of Service Brand Characteristics and It 's on Service-Consumer

  3. 文献服务品牌塑造兼论NSTL的发展

    Brand building of documentation service and the development of NSTL

  4. 结论QC小组活动可以提高护士的素质,激发其积极性与创造性,提高病人满意度,塑造病区护理服务品牌。

    Conclusions QC activity can improve nurses ' quality and arouse their energetic and creative power and evaluate the patients ' satisfaction degree as well as create a ward service model .

  5. 以人为本,打造高校图书馆服务品牌

    Basing on Humanism and Forming the Service Brand of University Library

  6. 关于工业企业服务品牌管理的探索

    Researches on the Management Approaches of Service Brand in Industrial Organizations

  7. 试论如何打造图书馆服务品牌

    A Discussion on How to Form Outstanding Service Brand of Library

  8. 人文性医疗与医院服务品牌建设

    Medical care based on humanism and hospital service brand building

  9. 创服务品牌增强零售业的核心竞争力

    Create Service Brand : The Core Competition of Retail Business

  10. 信息安全现状分析及中华卫士安全服务品牌

    Analysis of Current INFOSEC and the China Guard Brand of Security Service

  11. 基于品牌价值链的服务品牌资产实证研究

    A Empirical Study of Service Brand Equity Based on Brand Value Chain

  12. 在突发事件中创新军队医学图书馆的服务品牌

    Innovating the Military Medical Library 's Service Brand in Emergencies

  13. 加大宣传力度,创建特色服务品牌。

    Step up publicity to create characteristics of service brand .

  14. 区域旅游服务品牌整合营销传播策略研究&以九色甘南香巴拉为例

    Research on the Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy of Regional Tourism Service Brand

  15. 论服务品牌与提升竞争实力

    Comments on Service Brand & Improvement of Competitive Power

  16. 论内部营销与服务品牌建设

    The Discussion on Internal Marketing and Service Brand Building

  17. 打造图书馆服务品牌促进高校图书馆发展

    Establishing the Brand of Library Service and Promoting the Development of University Library

  18. 打造人性化医疗服务品牌实现县级医院持续发展

    To develop humanity medical service brand and promote continuous development in county hospitals

  19. 论服务品牌的塑造与高校图书馆的发展

    Discussion on the Molding of Service Brand and the Development of University Library

  20. 基于顾客视角的服务品牌资产模型的构建研究

    Research on Model Construction of Customer-Based Service Brand Equity

  21. 服务品牌价值的驱动因素研究

    Research on the Drivers of the Service Brand Value

  22. 公益性讲座打造图书馆的服务品牌

    The building of the brand reputation of libraries through lectures for public welfare

  23. 关于创建高校图书馆服务品牌的探讨

    Probe into Creating the Service Brand of University Library

  24. 论图书馆服务品牌的构建

    On the Building Service Brand of the Library

  25. 创建强势服务品牌是服务企业实现差别化竞争优势的重要手段。

    Strong brand is an important tool for service firms to create differentiation advantage .

  26. 顾客感知价值对服务品牌忠诚的影响机理

    The Mechanism of Form of Customer Perceived Value on Service Industries ' Brands Loyal

  27. 互动对服务品牌资产影响的实证研究

    The Impact of Interaction on Service Brand Equity

  28. 建立了本文的服务品牌创建整合模型。

    Established in service brand building integrated model .

  29. 论商业企业服务品牌形象的建立

    On the Establishment of a Service Brand Image

  30. 物流企业服务品牌战略探析

    Study on Service Brand Strategy of Logistics Enterprises