
  • 网络local brand
  1. 但是,反响最大的是一个当地品牌——北京诺金酒店(NuoHotelBeijing)。这是中国豪华酒店连锁集团诺金开设的第一家酒店。

    But the biggest splash belonged to a local brand , with the opening of Nuo Hotel Beijing , the first property of the namesake Chinese luxury hospitality chain .

  2. 通用汽车公司当前在南韩市场销量低于当地品牌。

    GM currently markets the vehicle under the local brand in South Korea .

  3. 一些外国汽车制造商认为,在多数汽车制造商正努力降低产品体系的复杂性之际,创造中国当地品牌的商业逻辑值得怀疑。

    Some foreign carmakers believe a drive into local brands makes questionable business sense at a time when most are trying to reduce complexity .

  4. 印度消费者愿意购买的手机通常在300美元以下,比如来自中国的小米手机和印度当地品牌Micromax。

    Indian consumers typically gravitate toward phones priced under $ 300 , such as those made by Chinese vendor Xiaomi and local brand Micromax .

  5. 去年第四季度,印度智能手机市场增速很快,总出货量达2160万部,同比增长90%。Micromax等当地品牌由于提供具有基本功能、价格便宜的手机,对初次购买智能手机者很有吸引力。

    India 's smartphone market is growing rapidly with 21.6m devices shipped in the quarter , up 90 per cent year-on-year , and local brands such as Micromax appeal to the first time smartphone user by offering basic and affordable handsets .

  6. 有两个信念是其战略依据:其一,全球化产品因规模大而便宜,这是当地的品牌所不能比的。

    Its strategy rests on two beliefs : first a global product offers economies of scale with which local brands cannot compete .

  7. 2014年第四季度,这家韩国手机生产商在印度的销量首次被当地廉价品牌Micromax超过。

    The Korean group was ousted from the top spot by budget local brand , Micromax , for the first time in the fourth quarter in 2014 .

  8. 本厂一直秉承“质量第一、服务第一、诚信第一”的原则,赢得顾客的信赖和好评,成为当地的品牌企业。

    There is a principle in our factory , that is " Quality First , Service First and Honest First " . Just this principle makes us get trust and praise of guests and become the local brand enterprise .

  9. 盛行于西方的狂欢节就是由原本属于低端的民俗娱乐活动演变而成的文化标志和旅游品牌,国内不少少数民族地区开展的风情游活动,有的已成为当地旅游品牌。

    Prevalent in the West Carnaval is from the original folk belonging to the low-end entertainment evolved from the cultural landmarks and tourism brands , many of the domestic customs of the ethnic minority areas outbound activities , and some local tourism has become a brand .

  10. 最近几周以来,假酒问题再次受到关注,因为在捷克共和国,用甲醇勾兑的假冒当地某朗姆酒品牌的假朗姆酒已导致30人死亡,死亡数字还在继续攀升。

    The issue has resurfaced in recent weeks amid a rising death toll in the Czech Republic , where 30 people have died from drinking a fake version of a local rum that was tainted with methanol .

  11. 一方面,这使我们的服务可以遍及世界每一角落,另一方面,我们可以树立在当地市场上的品牌形象并能充分理解当地市场和客户的需求。

    On the one hand , this gives us worldwide reach , and on the other , a strong local presence and unique understanding of local markets and customers .

  12. 和华为一样,中兴这个品牌名称在发达市场消费者中也没有什么名气,因为它的大多数手机以当地运营商的品牌销售。

    Like Huawei , ZTE 's brand name is not well known among developed market consumers because many of its handsets are sold under the names of local carriers .

  13. 厦工的机械产品得到了埃塞从民间到政府的充分认可,在当地初步形成了品牌影响力。

    XGMA 's construction machinery has been fully recognized by both the private sector and the government of Ethiopia , and has initially formed its brand influence in the country .