
dāng nián jià gé
  • prices for the indicated year;current year's prices;the prices of the respective years
当年价格[dāng nián jià gé]
  1. 本表价值量指标均按当年价格计算。

    Data in value terms in this table are calculated at current prices .

  2. 注:本表为全部工业总产值,按当年价格计算。

    Note : data of this table includes all gross output value of industry at current prices .

  3. 本表增加值按当年价格计算,指数按可比价格计算。

    Gross Value-added of industry are calculated at current prices , Indices are based on comparable prices .

  4. 注:本表按当年价格计算,数据已根据农普数据进行调整。

    Note : Data in this table are calculated at current prices and amended according to the last census of agriculture .

  5. 1999年以后,消费价格(不包括食品和能源)每年都在下跌2008年除外,当年价格与上年持平。

    Consumer prices , excluding food and energy , have fallen every year since , with the exception of 2008 , when prices were flat .

  6. 产值结构受到价格结构的影响,如果价格结构的变动幅度很大,以当年价格计算的产值结构与以不变价格计算的产值结构就会表现出十分不同的变动态势。

    In ease price structure changes greatly , the output structure expressed by priees of the current year and the output structure expressed by fixed priees will have different results .

  7. 牛肉业直到今年才从2007年和2008年的大宗商品价格飙升中恢复过来。当年的价格飙升曾导致供宰杀的生牛数量大幅减少。

    The beef industry is only this year recovering from the commodity price spikes of 2007 and 2008 – events that led to a dramatic diminution of the number of cattle raised for slaughter .

  8. 当年欧洲景物新鲜价格低廉的时候,就是这个样子。—TIMNEVILLE

    This is Europe when it was fresh and cheap . - TIM NEVILLE

  9. 目前他们迫切希望挽回2007年做出的投资,当年家乐福的股票价格是现在的两倍多。

    They are desperate to rescue their investment , made in 2007 when Carrefour 's share price was more than twice as high as it is today .