
  1. 阿姊闻妹来当户理红妆。

    Her sister rouges her face at home .

  2. 我想是她的家庭被认为是门不当户不对的?

    I think it was her family that was considered unsuitable .

  3. 一部中国古代经典小说甚至对门不当户不对的婚姻发出过警示。

    An ancient Chinese classical novel even warned against unmatched marriages .

  4. 辽代的婚姻还呈现出门当户对和民族融合的特点。

    The characteristics of marriage also showed match and amalgamation of nationalities .

  5. 我们走不到一起的,你我门不当户不对。

    It could never work . We 're from two different worlds .

  6. 典当行不需要信用调查,也不会损害当户的信用记录。

    Pawnbrokers do not make credit checks , and using them does not imperil credit ratings .

  7. 她不希望儿子和一个门不当户不对的姑娘结婚。

    She did not want her son to marry a girl in a different walk of life .