
  1. 日前,朱利安拍卖行举行了一场迈克尔·杰克逊经典服装拍卖会,流行歌手LadyGaga在拍卖会上一次性拍下了55件物品,募集了超过500万美元的资金,其中一部分将会捐献给慈善机构。

    Pop star Lady Gaga purchased 55 items belonging to late singer Michael Jackson in a weekend auction that raised more than $ 5 million , a portion of which will be donated to charity , Julien 's Auctions said .

  2. 服装拍卖商凯利?泰勒在拍卖前说,奥黛丽·赫本是欧洲战后女性纤细苗条、时尚简约形象的化身,以清纯、无邪和柔弱的形象闻名世界。

    The actress , who personified the svelte , chic , minimal European post-war look , became renowned for her perceived purity , innocence and vulnerability , the fashion auctioneer Kerry Taylor said before the sale .

  3. 这部电影用过的服装将用于慈善拍卖。

    The costumes from the movie are to be auctioned for charity .