
  • 网络Service Provider;ISP;CSP;ASP;MSP
  1. 分析了零件库中的图形服务内容,根据零件虚拟现实建模语言模型的特点,建立了基于虚拟现实建模语言的应用服务提供商图形服务平台的系统架构。

    The contents of graphics services were analyzed . According to the characteristics and structure of VRML model , the architecture for ASP graphics services platform based on VRML model was established .

  2. 如果您的服务提供商没有列在此表中,请在列表上端单击“我的isp不在此列表上”。

    If you don 't see your ISP listed , click " my ISP is not on the list " on the bottom of the list .

  3. 第二个原则是放宽在线服务提供商对数据的控制,并将更多的数据提供给那些提供数据的提供商。

    The second principle is to loosen the control that providers of on-line services have over data and give more to those who supply them .

  4. 您需要帮助寻找internet服务提供商吗?

    Do you want help finding an Internet service provider ?

  5. 登录时internet服务提供商将自动设置地址。

    My internet service provider automatically sets this when I sign in .

  6. 键入internet服务提供商给您的账号名称和密码。

    Type the account name and password your Internet service provider has given you .

  7. 应用服务提供商(ApplicationServiceprovider,ASP)是伴随着信息技术的飞速发展和互联网的日益普及而出现的一种新的企业运营模式。

    Application Service Provider occurs along with the development of technology and the popularization of the Internet .

  8. 一种基于J2EE架构的短信服务提供商运营平台的设计

    Design of Short Message Service Provider Platform based on J2EE

  9. 当Web服务提供商开发了一个新版本的服务时,通常需要继续支持现有的客户机。

    When a web services provider develops a newer version of a service , it often becomes necessary to continue supporting existing clients .

  10. 服务提供商还可以完成四件事情:第一,可以对Web应用服务器的最大响应时间和平均响应时间施加限制。

    The provider can also do four things : First , he can impose limits on maximum and average response Web application server times .

  11. Web服务提供商需提供一个Web服务DescriptionLanguage(WSDL)文档来定义服务接口。

    A Web service provider makes available a Web Services Description Language ( WSDL ) document that defines the service interface .

  12. IP计费的标准化是保证多服务提供商环境下计费系统互联互通的关键。

    The standardization of IP billing technologies is critical to interconnection of IP billing systems in the multi-provider environment .

  13. QoS模型充分考虑了提供商和请求者的要求和利益,满足用户和服务提供商对QoS的需求。

    This model fully considers and satisfies the profit and requirement of users and providers .

  14. 确保服务提供商(serviceprovider,SP)提供符合要求的服务具有重要的意义。

    It is of great significance to ensure SP ( Service Provider ) to provide services meeting the requirements .

  15. ASP(ApplicationServiceprovider,应用服务提供商)平台以软件应用租赁服务为核心,充分利用互联网技术,实现资源的共享以及管理的集中,能有效降低信息化成本。

    ASP ( Application Service Provider ) is centered on application service of software for the purpose of sharing resources and lowering social costs .

  16. 当前互联网服务提供商一般通过租用运营商或是自建互联网数据中心(IDC/InternetDataCenter)来存储网站和各类互联网应用数据。

    Nowadays , Internet Service Providers usually store data of the websites and different internet applications by renting I DCs ( IDC / Internet Data Center ) for carriers .

  17. 答案很简单:坚持采用专有技术的服务提供商必须同意支持SimpleCloud等标准化项目。

    The answer is simple : Service providers who are stuck on proprietary technologies must agree to support standardization initiatives such as Simple Cloud .

  18. ASP(应用服务提供商),是internet与传统外包服务提供商及增值销售商的有机结合体。

    ASP ( Application Service Provider ) is an organic unity of the Internet , traditional outside contractor and value-added seller .

  19. 因此,对于作为接入服务提供商的CM公司而言,制定更为行之有效的网络营销策略是当务之急。

    As an Internet service provider , it is urgent for CM Corporation to make more effective E-Marketing strategy .

  20. 然后,至少在短期内,在XML服务提供商与用户之间进行简单通信很有可能获得成功。

    Then again , at least in the short term , more simple communications between XML service providers and users is more likely to succeed .

  21. 应用服务提供商(ApplicationServicProvider,ASP)是通过Internet为客户提供各种软硬件应用服务的新兴经营方式。

    Application service provider ( ASP ) is a rising business mode to provide software and hardware application services to various customers via Internet .

  22. 拥有5亿用户的中国移动(ChinaMobile)是全球最大的移动服务提供商,今年开始以富裕的沿海省份浙江为中心,大力发展电子阅读。

    China Mobile , the world 's largest mobile services provider with 500m customers , started a big push to develop e-reading this year , centred on the affluent coastal province of Zhejiang .

  23. C市电信分公司属于典型的国有垄断企业,目前正在实施从传统通信运营商向综合信息服务提供商转型。

    China Telecommunications Corporation Limited ( China Telecom ) is a typical stated-owned enterprise and is transferring from the traditional basic telecom operator to an integrated information services provider .

  24. BankWeb服务提供商将使用一个自定义策略集,该策略集的WS-RM策略类型具有手动设置的属性。

    The Bank Web service provider will use a custom policy set with an WS-RM policy type that has properties set manually .

  25. 因此IP网络引入了电信界SLA的概念,IP网络服务提供商开始向用户提供SLA服务。

    And the SLA is introduced into the IP network . IP service providers begin to provid service with SLA .

  26. FCC说,这些州的法律不公平地限制了市政部门与有线电视和电信宽带服务提供商的竞争。

    The state laws unfairly restrict municipal competition with cable and telecommunications broadband providers , the F.C.C. said .

  27. ISP是短期的互联网服务提供商。

    ISP is short for Internet Service Provider .

  28. 这两个术语的一个简单示例是当您使用电缆调制解调器连接到您的Internet服务提供商(ISP)时。

    A simplistic example of the two is when you connect to your Internet Service Provider ( ISP ) using a cable modem .

  29. 百思买可以与GA或其他培训服务提供商合作,将其大卖场作为培训中心。

    Best buy can bring in GA or other providers and use part of their big box stores as training centers .

  30. ASP模式是应用服务提供商以在线租赁方式向客户提供网络应用服务的一种商业模式。

    ASP is a commercial online - renting - mode of network applied service offered by Application Service Provider to the clients .