
  • 网络Industrial Internet
  1. 他补充道,英特尔还在努力提升安全和标准该公司策划建立了工业互联网联盟(IndustrialInternetConsortium)并塑造围绕这项主题的公共政策。

    The company is also working to promote security and standards it helped found the Industrial Internet Consortium and shape public policy around the topic , he added .

  2. 他补充道,英特尔还在努力提升安全和标准——该公司策划建立了工业互联网联盟(IndustrialInternetConsortium)——并塑造围绕这项主题的公共政策。

    The company is also working to promote security and standards - it helped found the Industrial Internet Consortium - and shape public policy around the topic , he added .

  3. 通用电气计划在2013年发布20款新兴工业互联网服务技术。

    Ge plans to launch 20 new industrial Internet service technologies in 2013 .

  4. 互联网创造了一个新的平台,在这个平台上可以产生各种类型的数字内容、服务、以及工业组织,同时互联网加速了信息革命,促进产生了许多新的信息系统应用和新的商业模式。

    A variety of new types of digital content , service , organization have been produced based on this platform . The Internet has stimulated the information revolution , and promoted the new application areas of the information system and the generation of new business models .

  5. 讨论了工业洗衣机的互联网接入技术,以水洗机为例,建立新的控制模型,给出模型中基本参数和基本概念的定义,并指出洗涤设备传感器技术中应注意的问题。

    Discussions are given to the access of industrial cleaner with the Internet . Control model of industrial wet cleaner is established and definitions are given to its basic control parameters and conceptions , while the problems are pointed out about the sensor technology in cleaning devices .

  6. 工业和信息化部表示,我国将建设国家工业互联网大数据中心,加强对中国工业互联网公司海外上市的监管和协调。

    China will build a national data center for the industrial internet and strengthen the supervision and coordination of overseas listings of Chinese industrial internet companies , according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology .

  7. 该服务器能支持工业设备、家用电器连入互连网,具有成本低、设计简单、容易升级,并具有很好的动态Web页面功能。能很好地满足家用电器和工业设备接入互联网的需求。

    This Server can support the industry equipment and information appliance to access into Internet . It is low cost , simple design and easy to upgrade .