
  • 网络Website;personal website
  1. 你可以把你的微博主页和你的LinkedIn主页或是个人网站联系起来。

    Hook up your Twitter profile to your LinkedIn page or personal website .

  2. 周日在他个人网站、Facebook和Youtube频道上传的视频中,他引用了一篇来自洋葱(theOnion)网站的文章佐证自己的观点,完全没有意识到该文章的嘲讽性质。

    In the video , posted Sunday on his personal website , Facebook page and YouTube channel , he cited an article from The Onion that he said backed up his claims , apparently unaware that it was satire .

  3. 还有5兆的网络空间,你可以建立你的个人网站。

    There 's also 5Mb of webspace so that you can create your own personal web site .

  4. 上周三,德迪欧在个人网站Asymco.com上公布了对苹果2012年第二财季的预测,同时还在《关键路径》(TheCriticalPath)里详细讨论了预测情况。

    On Wednesday , dediu published his Q2 2012 estimates on asymco .

  5. 在Internet上创建个人网站

    Creating the Individual Web Site on Internet

  6. 将作业发布于个人网站,并给我E-Mail地址。

    Post the assignment online on your website and email the address to me .

  7. 今年3月份,她在其个人网站上发布了一项名为“WomenontheBoardPledgeforEurope”的公告。

    In March , she posted a " Women on the Board Pledge for Europe " on her website .

  8. 从你的个人网站上的更新可以很明确地知道,DarkWaters着重于大量的自定义内容。

    From the updates at your personal site , it 's clear Dark Waters features a ton of custom content .

  9. 您的作品必须以CD,DVD或者个人网站链接的方式递交。

    Your work must be submitted on CD , DVD or your web portfolio ( movie files ) .

  10. 2004年,当时还在斯坦福大学(Stanford)读本科的塞希开办了他的个人网站“我可以让你富”(iwillteachyoutoberich.com)。

    Since starting his website , iwillteachyoutoberich .

  11. 如果您正在您的个人网站领域以外运行TCPDF,(在您的主目录下通常是publichtml),则您可以跳过此步骤。

    If you 're running TCPDF out of your personal web-site area ,( often public_html in your home directory ), you can skip this step .

  12. 谈利用VB6创建个人网站

    On Establishing A Personal Web Site ty VB6

  13. 4月份,加菲根的新专题《宇宙先生》(Mr.Universe)在其个人网站初次亮相,而不是将放映权出售给收费电视网HBO或Showtime。

    In April Gaffigan debuted his hour-long special , " Mr. universe , " on his website , rather than sell the broadcast rights to HBO or Showtime .

  14. 2004年,就在史蒂夫•乔布斯计划于波士顿Macworld大会上发布首款Macmini前的两周,一位自称“尼克•德普拉姆”的青少年博主在个人网站ThinkSecret上率先发布了这一消息。

    Two weeks before Steve Jobs was scheduled to unveil the original Mac Mini at Macworld 2004 in Boston , a teenage blogger who called himself Nick deplume broke the news on his website , think secret .

  15. 艾米丽经Twitter投票成为第一约会专家,经DatingAdvice.com网站投票成为第一约会性学专家,她继续在个人网站——SexWithFamily——为人们解惑答疑,大多都是人们不好意思当面问的问题。

    Voted as the No. 1 dating expert to follow on Twitter as well as the No. 1 dating and sex expert by DatingAdvice.com , Emily continues to answer questions on her website , Sex With Emily , that most might be too embarrassed to ask in person .

  16. 他们决定任命萨布里娜·鲁宾·厄德利(SabrinaRubinErdely)来写这篇报道,根据她的个人网站提供的信息,作为一名特约撰稿人,她还给《GQ》和《纽约客》杂志撰稿,并且曾获得两次国家杂志奖(NationalMagazineaward)的提名。

    They decided to assign Sabrina Rubin Erdely , a contributing editor who has also written for GQ and The New Yorker , and who has been nominated for two National Magazine awards , according to her website .

  17. 非人是正确的:翻阅一下Technorati的名单中排名前100位博客,你会发现个人网站已被推倒一边由专业博客所代替。

    Impersonal is correct : Scroll down Technorati 's list of the top100 blogs and you 'll find personal sites have been shoved aside by professional ones .

  18. 其他的技术里程碑包括她在1997年访问伦敦西北部的一所学校时建立了自己的个人网站,该网站也在今年早些时候重新启动了;2008年访问谷歌时她还自己将一段视频上传到YouTube。

    Other technological milestones include her own website - launched in 1997 during a visit to a school in North-West London and relaunched earlier this year - and personally uploading a video to YouTube during a trip to Google in 2008 .

  19. 在受到广泛批评后,Edelman在个人网站上发出简洁信息说明他已经向协助父母管理这家餐馆的段然(RanDuan)致歉。

    But after facing wide criticism , Edelman posted a brief message on his personal website saying he has reached out to apologize to Ran Duan , who helps manage his parent 's restaurant business .

  20. 这意味着他不得不放弃他持有的篮网队股份。Jay-Z在个人网站发表声明表示,成为篮网团体的一员超越了我的一些最大理想。

    It meant he had to relinguish his share of the Nets . In a statement released on his website , Jay-Z said , being a member of Nets organization surpassed some of my greatest ambitions .

  21. 我将自己媒体相关的经历和写作样本整理发表在了我的个人网站上,敬请查阅。希望在来年夏天与你在Medill相遇。

    I organized my media related experiences and working samples in my personal website . Please free feel to check them out and hope to meet you at Medill next summer .

  22. 如果你喜欢他的作品,请访问他的个人网站。

    If you like his work , visit his personal website .

  23. 对个人网站主题定位、整体设计的探讨

    The Probe into Theme Focus and Whole Design of Private Website

  24. 选择用于创建个人网站的目录命名格式。

    Select the directory naming format used to create personal sites .

  25. 选择新的个人网站的命名格式。

    Select the format to use to name new personal sites .

  26. 在博客出现之前,也有人发布个人网站。

    Before blogs , some people published personal Web sites .

  27. 您也可以将其影片连结到自己的个人网站上。

    You can also link its videos to your own personal sites .

  28. 只有在您确信个人网站的可靠性后才能利用它们。

    Consult personal sites only when you are convinced of their reliability .

  29. 一些音乐家现在直接从个人网站销售最新歌曲。

    Some musicians now sell their newest songs directly from their websites .

  30. 语文教师个人网站的建设与使用的研究

    A Study of Independent Chinese Teaching Website Development and Application