
  1. 政府采购有别于个人采购和企业采购,本质的区别在于采购主体的不同。

    Government procurement is different from the individual procurement and enterprise procurement , the essential difference lies in the difference of the procurement principal part .

  2. 政府作为采购主体的特殊性使得政府采购过程中存在的激励问题不同于个人采购与企业采购,而更多地受到政府采购行为的影响。

    The particularity of government as the main procurement makes the incentive problem in the government procurement process is different from the incentive problem in personal incentive procurement and enterprise procurement , and more subject to the impact of government procurement behavior .

  3. 哦,天,那是Serena。嗨,Serena。嘿,Jenny,对吗?恩,嗨,这是我…stylist:时装设计师personal:私人的,个人的shopper:采购员造型师兼私人选购Eric你好。呒,这是我哥哥。可能…

    Oh , my gosh , it 's Serena . Hi , Serena ! - Serena : hey . Jenny , , right ? - Jenny : yeah , hi , - Serena : This is my ... - Eric : Stylist and personal shopper Eric . Hi . - Jenny : Um , this is my brother . Or ...