
ɡè rén xiāo fèi
  • personal consumption;individual consumption
  1. 我国加入WTO后,个人消费信贷业务发展前景巨大。

    After Chinas entry of WTO , individual consumption loan looks on a huge development prospective .

  2. 大力拓展个人消费贷款业务

    Devoting Major Efforts to the Development of Individual Consumption Loan Business

  3. 个人消费占gdp的比重一直呈结构性衰退。

    Personal consumption as a percentage of GDP has been in structural decline .

  4. 然而,对于中国经济在长达30多年的繁荣期来说,以国际标准计价来看,中国个人消费仍仅占8%的GDP(以美元现价计算);

    Its economy , however , for all its three-decades-long boom , still only accounts for8 % of global GDP in current dollars ;

  5. 个人消费占美国GDP的70%,但它的扩张速度同样低于之前的几次扩张。

    Personal consumption , which accounts for close to 70 % of overall GDP , is also expanding off the pace of prior recoveries .

  6. 重要的一点是要明白,中国经济现在的扭曲程度有多严重:2007年,个人消费仅占GDP的35%。

    It is important to understand how distorted China 's economy now is : in 2007 , personal consumption was just 35 per cent of GDP .

  7. 从第三季度gdp数据的分析来看,第三季度投资和出口较上一季度有所改善,但个人消费增长却比较缓慢。

    The breakdown of the third-quarter GDP figure shows that investment and exports had improved from the previous quarter , while private consumption grew more slowly .

  8. 与一些人的幻想不同,仅占中国GDP三分之一的个人消费,不足以维持国内经济增长势头,更不可能替代美国的需求。

    At about one-third of GDP , that is not enough to sustain domestic momentum let alone credibly substitute for US demand , as some fantasise .

  9. 美国个人消费在实际国内生产总值(GDP)中所占比例,从上世纪90年代末的67%升至2007年上半年的72%。

    The personal consumption share of real GDP rose from 67 per cent in the late 1990s to 72 per cent in the first half of 2007 .

  10. 在大多数亚洲经济体中,个人消费占GDP的50-60%,这个数字并不比收入水平相同的其他任何地方低。

    In most Asian economies , private consumption is50-60 % of GDP , which is not out of line with rates in countries at similar levels of income elsewhere .

  11. 要知道为什么,请看美国的个人消费。在20世纪的最后25年,个人消费占美国国内生产总值(GDP)的比例徘徊在67%左右。

    To see why , look at US personal consumption , which hovered around 67 per cent of gross domestic product in the last quarter of the 20th century .

  12. 另一方面,个人消费仅占GDP的35%左右,低于上世纪90年代的46%,而且远远低于其他快速增长国家的标准水平。

    The other side of the coin is that personal consumption accounts for just about 35 per cent of GDP , down from 46 per cent in the 1990s and far below the norm in other fast-growing countries .

  13. 不过,中国经济依然高度失衡,其最显著的特征是消费(包括公共和个人消费)占经济的比重异常低,而投资的比重异常高(两者都接近GDP的一半)。

    Yet China also has a highly unbalanced economy whose most striking feature is the extraordinarily low share of consumption , public and private , and extraordinarily high share of investment ( both close to half of GDP ) .

  14. 而不包括燃油和食品在内的核心个人消费支出(PCE)的缩减指数在第一季度只是微微增长。

    The deflator for " core " personal consumption expenditures ( PCE ), which excludes fuel and food , rose more modestly in the first quarter .

  15. 2004-07年的经历就是一个很好的例子:泡沫驱动的个人消费飙升至实际国内生产总值(gdp)71.6%的创纪录水平,而个人储蓄率骤降至1.2%的战后新低。

    The experience of 2004-07 is a case in point : bubble-driven personal consumption surged to a record 71.6 per cent of real gross domestic product and the personal saving rate plunged to a postwar record low of 1.2 per cent .

  16. CNET公司产品的能源消耗率和绿色和平组织现在利率个人消费电子产品制造商的事情,从有毒物质的温室气体报告。

    CNET rates products on energy consumption now and Greenpeace rates individual consumer electronics manufacturers on everything from toxic material to greenhouse gas reporting .

  17. 2015年前,ImpactDatabank预测,尽管美国葡萄酒个人消费量仍远远落后于英国,尤其是欧洲领先葡萄酒产国,但美国将成为全球葡萄酒最大消费国。

    By 2015 , Impact Databank predicts the US will become the world 's biggest consumer of wine , albeit with per capita consumption still lagging far behind that of Britain and , especially , the leading European wine producing countries .

  18. 同期,个人消费占GDP比重从46%骤降至34%,而固定资产投资占GDP比重则从34%,上升至了46%(见图表)。

    Over the same period the share of private consumption in GDP collapsed from 46 per cent to a mere 34 per cent , while the share of fixed investment rose from 34 per cent to 46 per cent . ( See charts . )

  19. 学术研究已表明,国家ACSI评分是一个强有力的预测国内生产总值(GDP)增长,一个更强大的预测个人消费支出(PCE)物价增长。

    Academicresearch has shown that the national ACSI score is a strong predictorof Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) growth , and an even stronger predictorof Personal Consumption Expenditure ( PCE ) growth .

  20. 一旦美联储终止购买美国国债,房地产活动、个人消费和股价之间的关联得以重建,就必须引起警觉:美联储在几个月的犹豫不决后,可能会推出第三轮量化宽松政策(QE3)。

    If the end of fed bond purchases restores the link between housing activity , personal consumption and stock prices , watch out below & and then watch out , after a few months of handwringing , for qe3 .

  21. 广义的消费包括生产消费和个人消费。

    The generalized consumption is including production consumption and personal consumption .

  22. 我国货币政策个人消费层次传导的实证检验

    Empirical Test on Our Monetary Policy Transmission on Personal Consumption Level

  23. 对个人消费行为价值化倾向的理论思考

    Theoretical Thinking of the Value Inclination of Consumers ′ Personal Behavior

  24. 发展个人消费信贷的难点与对策&试从山西省建行个贷状况论我国个人消费信贷的发展

    On the Difficult Points and Countermeasures of Developing Individual Credit Consumption

  25. 建设银行长春地区个人消费贷款营销战略

    Marketing Strategy of China Construction Bank Personal Consumption Loan in Changchun

  26. 其次分析国内个人消费信贷业务的制约因素。

    Next , analyze the restrictive factor of personal consumption credit .

  27. 形成以会员制为组织形式的信用联保体系,可以有效地防范个人消费信贷风险。

    Membership organizations will be the proper form of the warranty system .

  28. 但实际个人消费支出仅减少0.1%。

    But real personal consumption spending fell by only 0.1 per cent .

  29. 他将大笔的公款花在了个人消费上。

    He expent a large amount of public money on self consumption .

  30. 报价中不含小费和其它个人消费。

    Tips and personal expenses are exclusive in the quotation .