
  • 网络irrational consumption
  1. 不成熟消费、攀比消费和非理性消费不仅给学生家庭生活造成了很大的经济负担,而且不利于大学生的心理和人格健康。

    Immature consumption and irrational consumption not only bring a heavy financial burden to the students'family , but also affect college students'psychology and selfhood .

  2. 从这一点上来说,过度消费是一种摧残人类生存的毒药,是在扭曲的社会观念影响下的虚假消费与非理性消费。

    From this point , excessive consumption is poison which trample human existence . It is consumption or irrational consumption under the influence of social distorted concept .

  3. ⑵构建了非理性消费行为的影响因素模型。

    ⑵ Construct the factors model of non-rationality consumer behavior .

  4. ⑶提出了非理性消费行为的治理措施。

    ⑶ Propose measures for non-rationality consumer behavior .

  5. 收入结构、产品认知、群体诱导和广告宣传因素是影响消费者非理性消费行为的关键因素。

    Revenue structure , product awareness , group induction and advertisement are the key factors of non-rationality consumer behavior .

  6. 第三,黄冈市农村家庭高等教育消费存在比较严重的非理性消费倾向。

    Third , in the Huanggang City , higher education spending of rural families has the intention be seriously non-rational .

  7. 这一冲突过程同时还交织着中国与西方消费观念、物质消费与精神消费、理性非理性消费行为之间的伦理冲突。

    This conflict interweaves in the conflict of consumption idea of China and the Western and material and spirit consumption .

  8. 新玛特通过引导消费者的非理性消费行为向理性靠近,提升消费者的消费幸福指数,为企业创造独特的竞争优势。

    Through leading the consumer from the Irrational to rational , New Mart would promote the Consumer Happiness Index and the Competitive of the company .

  9. 被图像的表层意义迷惑的消费者容易忽视图像广告背后的意识形态及其运作机制,导致非理性消费。

    Bewildered by the surface meaning of visuals , consumers tend to ignore the ideology and its working mechanism behind these advertisements , which usually results in irrational consumption .

  10. 本文分析了大学生的非理性消费现状,提出高校积极引导大学生理性消费的几点建议。

    The paper analyses the situation of the college students ' non-rational consuming view and puts forward some advices on how to guide college students ' rational consumption actively .

  11. 近三十年来,在不正确价值观的驱动下,过度消费、非理性消费给自然环境和社会造成的严重后果日益凸显出来,已经成为制约经济发展的瓶颈。

    In the recently three decades , because of the positive values , the serious consequences of over-consumption and non-rational consumption have growled up , some consequences have become the bottleneck to constrain economic development .

  12. 以及网络消费对职业女性生活方式产生消极影响的原因分析,个人层面有非理性消费意识的影响、性别意识不足的影响和消费安全意识不足的影响。

    And network consumption on professional women lifestyle causes a negative impact analysis , the individual level there is awareness of the impact of irrational consumption , lack of gender awareness and lack of awareness of consumer safety .

  13. 然而,就在我国信用卡业务井喷式发展的同时,各种信用卡发展问题也暴露了出来,而首当其冲的则是信用卡消费者非理性消费问题。

    However , in the credit card business of our country the development of blowout at the same time , all kinds of credit card development problems are also exposed , and be the first to bear the brunt of credit card consumers irrational consumption problem .

  14. 与此同时,一些非理性的消费行为也随着他们消费观念的转变而逐渐浮出水面,比如攀比性消费、炫耀性消费等等。

    Meanwhile , some irrational1 consuming behaviors such as unrealistic-comparison consumption , show-off consumption and so on also form since their consumption concept has been changed .

  15. 由于心理帐户的存在,个体在做经济决策时往往会违背一些简单的经济运算法则,从而做出许多非理性的消费与投资行为。

    Because of the existence of mental accounting , individuals will violate some basic principles of economic algorithm and do many irrational consumption and investing while they make economic decisions .

  16. 我们可以利用这些偏见,就像那些向我们兜售非理性的昂贵消费品保修服务的人那样。

    We can take advantage of those biases , as those who sell us expensive and irrational warranties on consumer goods do .

  17. 大学生接受公寓住宿是消费非理性的,或者消费非自主的。因此,高校后勤机构在投资公寓项目方面,可以根据大学生的消费特点,开展多种有偿服务,通过市场化手段来提高项目的投资收益。

    So academy logistics originations maybe develop some payable services by the characters of undergraduate improve the benefits of apartment project .