
  1. 而且,资产组合的回报很可能要高于一个单一的消费品。

    In addition , returns on a portfolio of assets are likely to be higher than on a single commodity .

  2. 投资消费理论考虑的是一类单一的消费品,投资对象仅限于无风险证券和风险证券。

    The investment consumption theory is only involved with a single consumption good and the investment objects are only a bond and some risky stocks .

  3. 计划经济时期,居民的消费结构单一,消费倾向高,消费水平低。

    In the period of planned economy , there was no variety in people 's consumption structure , their consumption tendency was high while their consumption level was low .

  4. 居民投资渠道单一,消费不足,金融机构严控放贷等原因导致银行产生巨额存差。

    A huge sum of gap in bank has been made by residents with narrow investment and inadequate consumption and by the strictly controlled loan model of the financing institutions .

  5. 为弥补由此造成的财政收入减少,必须进行增税,任何此类增税都应主要通过征收税基广泛、税率单一的消费支出税来实现,比如增值税。

    The bulk of any extra revenue needed to make up the difference should then be raised via a broad-based , flat-rate expenditure tax , such as a value added tax .

  6. 目前我国银行业在拓展个人消费贷款业务中存在着思想观念落后、认识不到位、业务品种单一、消费观念落后、营销力度不够、工作效率低等问题。

    The existing problems in developing individual consumption loan business for China 's banking industry include : backward in thinking , poor cognition , single business , old-fashioned con-sumption idea , limited marketing , low working efficiency and so on .

  7. 这款设备屏幕变大了,并配备了可选键盘(其他一些平板设备,如微软的Surface已具备这一功能),变得更有利于内容生成,而不是单一的内容消费。

    With a larger screen and optional keyboard ( a feature already found in other tablet devices , like the Microsoft Surface ) , it becomes a device that 's more useful for the creation of content rather than simply the consumption of content .

  8. 评估结果表明,能源供需、能源战略储备情况以及以煤炭为主的相对单一的能源消费结构对能源安全的影响程度最大。

    The evaluation results shows that energy supply and demand , energy strategic reserves and coal-dominating energy consumption structure make the most influence on energy security .

  9. 研究结果表明:背景信息对客户特别是个性化客户(单一客户)的消费决策具有良好的预测效果。

    The experimental results demonstrate that the context information has preferable predication performance on the consumption decision of the customers especially the personalized customers .

  10. 研究生体育消费水平较低,体育消费结构单一,实物型消费高于非实物型消费。

    For postgraduates , they own a lower level of sport consumption and a relatively single sport consumption structure . And the material consumption is higher than the non-material consumption .

  11. 然而现有文献仍存在忽略房地产二重性对微观家庭消费的影响,武断地认为房价持续上涨会朝着单一的方向影响消费,以及实证数据样本容量过小,包含的信息过于陈旧等缺陷。

    However , the existing literature has neglected the real estate dual on the influence of household consumption , assumed that prices continued to rise in single direction effect of consumption .

  12. 单一税具有单一税率、消费税基、整洁税基三大特征,正好符合这种条件。

    The flat tax has three major characteristics of the single tax rate , the base of the consumption tax , the clean tax base , just according with these requirements .