
  • 网络real estate consumption
  1. 中小城市房地产消费市场启动的对策

    Countermeasure of activating the real estate consumption market of middle and small cities

  2. 基于数据挖掘的房地产消费预测研究

    Real Estate Consumption Prediction Research Based on Data Mining

  3. 同时,在中国加入WTO以后,随着房地产消费市场的日益成熟以及大批实力雄厚的港台和国外开发商的陆续登陆,房地产业的竞争更加激烈。

    Meanwhile , with China 's entry into WTO , being ripe day by day of the real estate consumer market and the landing of large quantities of influential Hong Kong , Taiwan and foreign developer successively , the competition of the real estate is fiercer .

  4. 关于房地产消费热点的冷思考

    Sober Thoughts on the Consumption Attraction of Real Estate

  5. 银行房地产消费信贷的风险规避

    Avoid the risk of bank real estate consumption

  6. 汽车消费成为了继房地产消费之后我国消费结构升级的重要保证。

    Automobile consumption has become a real estate consumer , after following the upgrading of consumption structure of an important guarantee .

  7. 住房抵押贷款证券化有助于促进中国住宅金融的发展,促进我国住房金融资金的良性循环,培育房地产消费市场,符合国家对新的经济增长点的战略选择。

    In China , MBS will contribute to the development of house finance , the revolving of house capital and the development of house market .

  8. 对于一个给定房地产消费人口、给定空间范围的城市区域,什么情况下需要分散化、究竟怎么分散化,这个问题非常重要。

    The paper sets up a model of optimization decision-making of urban real estate space to answer two following questions , when to decentralize and how to decentralize .

  9. 而在下游的消费领域,居民收入提振乏力,使得汽车和房地产消费上升的动力不足。

    At the down stream area of consumption , as the residential income increases slowly , the driving force for improving demand for automobiles and houses is in a short .

  10. 自1998年住房制度改革以来,中国的房地产消费和投资均呈现迅速增长,促使房地产市场得以逐步繁荣和壮大。

    Since the housing reform in 1998 , both consumption and investment for real estate have increased rapidly in China , and it impels the real estate market to become flourishing and grand gradually .

  11. 针对目前我国房地产消费信贷中存在的违约风险、假贷款风险、良资产率上升风险及贬值处置风险。

    Directed against current risks of real estate consumption credit in our country , this paper suggested four measures to avoid the risks of break contract , false credit , rising bad property rate and depreciation sold .

  12. 分析了目前我国房地产消费信贷的违约风险、假贷款风险、利率通胀率风险及贬值处置风险等已成为我国房地产业发展的潜在危险。

    Analyses the risk of breach , the risk of loan fraud , the risk of interest rate and inflation rate , and the risk of depreciation and disposal in real estate consumer credit in China have already become the potential threat of the development of Chinese realty business .

  13. 答案与人们猜想的房地产或消费引发的经济衰退无关&这两种说法都没有多少历史经验的支撑。

    The answer has little to do with a hypothetical housing-led or consumer-led recession , neither of which finds much support in historical experience .

  14. 当房地产市场消费市场,购房者最重要的问题是能够支付而不是有信心支付。

    When the real estate market for the consumer market , home buyers the most important issue is the ability to pay rather than confidence .

  15. 时至今日,国内外众多学者对房地产影响消费的强度和主要的传导机制进行了深入的研究,但并没有达成一致的结论。

    This is the focus of the researching in the article . Today , many domestic and foreign scholars research on the impact of the real estate consumption intensity and the main transmission mechanism . But there is no consensus conclusion .

  16. 股票市场、房地产市场对消费行为的影响

    The Stock Market 、 the Real Estate Market and Consumer Behavior

  17. 房地产价格对消费的影响方向与效应十分复杂。

    The influence direction and the effect of the real estate price to consumption is very complex .

  18. 这是因为房地产不仅具有消费功能,还有投资功能。

    It is because the real estate not only has the consumption function , but also has the investment function .

  19. 尽管房地产疲软,消费信心依旧充足,与美国经济增长的趋势一致。

    Consumer confidence despite the weakness in housing also remains strong , consistent with trend like growth of the US economy .

  20. 美国的家庭把现金从购置非流动性的房地产和耐用消费品,转向偿付抵押贷款和消费债务。

    American households have shifted their cash flows from illiquid real estate and consumer durables to paying down mortgages and consumer debt .

  21. 在不出现新一轮房地产泡沫和消费热潮的情况下,出口导向型复苏是美国可以凭借的最佳增长策略。

    In the absence of another housing bubble and consumer boom , an export-led recovery is the best growth strategy the US could employ .

  22. 日本市场表现远远落后于其他市场,不过如果房地产和国内消费板块能够反弹,可能就会扭转这一局面。

    The market haeen a significant laggard , but this may turn around if there is a pick up in the housing market and domestic consumption .

  23. 目前在制造业和非金融企业部门的其它部分有了适度的改善,然而在商业房地产和零售消费仍有挥之不去的疲软迹象。

    There have been modest improvements in manufacturing and other parts of the nonfinancial business sector , yet lingering signs of weakness in commercial real estate and retail spending .

  24. 房地产即是消费品又是投资品,其价格波动受贷款规模、市场预期、需求规模、土地投机等因素的影响。

    Real estate is regarded as consumer goods and investment . Its price fluctuation is influenced by such factors as loan scale , market expectation , demand scale and land speculation .

  25. 其次,本文采用协整检验方法,检验居民持有资产和消费支出之间存在关系,进一步证实居民所有的金融资产、房地产与人均消费支出之间存在关系。

    Second , co-integration test , test assets and there is a relationship between the consumer and further confirmed that there is a relationship between the residents of all financial assets , real estate and consumer spending .

  26. 2005年中国经济在房地产、汽车消费需求的拉动,固定资产更新的影响下,保持了本次经济周期呈现的平稳、高增长、低膨胀特点。

    Under the effects of huge market demands for real estate , automobiles and fixed assets , Chinese economy kept the features which has emerged in this economic cycle such as stability , high level growth and low inflation .

  27. 随后分别从房地产开发、消费和投资等方面来研究现行房地产税收政策的内容与影响,最后探索完善房地产税收政策体系的措施和建议。

    Then the article would study the contents of the current real estate tax policy and influence separately from the real estate development , consumption and investment areas . Finally it would explore the measures and recommendations to complete system of real estate tax policy .

  28. 房地产价格对居民消费影响的倒U关系研究

    The Study of " Inverted U " Relationship between the Consumption and Real Estate Price

  29. 一旦美联储终止购买美国国债,房地产活动、个人消费和股价之间的关联得以重建,就必须引起警觉:美联储在几个月的犹豫不决后,可能会推出第三轮量化宽松政策(QE3)。

    If the end of fed bond purchases restores the link between housing activity , personal consumption and stock prices , watch out below & and then watch out , after a few months of handwringing , for qe3 .

  30. 如果房地产同其他任何消费品一样的话,那么走高的价格最终应当会抑制需求。

    If housing were like any other consumer good , rising prices should eventually dampen demand .