
  • 网络housing price-to-income ratio;House Price to Income Ratio
  1. 通过房地产价格指数、人均居住面积、房价收入比和租售比四个方面的指标,具体描述上海目前房价高的程度。

    This section describes how high the housing price of Shanghai is through four indicators including the real estate price index , per capita living space , housing price-to-income ratio , rent and selling price ratio .

  2. 根据经济分析法的要求,本文从指标体系中选取了房地产投资占GDP的比重、空置率指标、房价收入比指标、房价增长率/GDP增长率来对房地产投资风险进行测度。

    According to the requirements of economic analysis , this indicator system is selected from the real estate investment share of GDP , the vacancy rate index , price earnings ratio index , house prices growth rate / GDP growth rate to measure risk in real estate investment .

  3. 研究了住宅物业发展过程中的客户定位和产品定位,提出了SWOT分析模型、地产因子比较分析方法和房价收入比预测模型,较系统地研究了项目定位的技术和程序。

    The paper discusses the customer targeting and product orienting . It proposes the SWOT aided decision model , land factor comparative analysis and the forecasting model based the proportion between price and income . It studies the technique and procedure of project positioning .

  4. 根据房地产研究机构上海易居中国(E-House)的数据,中国房价收入比曾在2009年达到8.1的峰值,但去年降至7.4,今年将会进一步下降。

    The price-to-income ratio for houses peaked at 8.1 in 2009 , but fell to 7.4 last year and will decline further this year , according to the Shanghai E-House real estate research institute .

  5. 房价收入比指标研究

    The Research on the Ratio of Price to Income of Buildings

  6. 接着介绍了已存在的房价收入比定义,根据这些定义对房价收入比进行了细分,以更好的分析居民购房的能力。

    Second , it presents the definition of house price-income ratio .

  7. 房价收入比真实性的分析

    Analysis of Practical Ratio between House Price and Household Income

  8. 空间竞争、房价收入比与房价

    Spatial Competition , Housing Price to Income Ratio , and Housing Pricing

  9. 在对已有的研究成果进行分析之后,统一了房价收入比指标的计算口径。最后总结了房价收入比的特点。

    At last , it summarizes the characteristics of house price-income ratio .

  10. 对房价收入比科学涵义的再探讨

    Further Discussion on Definition of Housing Price - income Ratio

  11. 目前富裕国家的房价收入比接近4。

    The norm in rich countries is closer to four .

  12. 基于房价收入比的房地产泡沫测度研究

    A Research on Real Estate Bubble Estimation on the Basis of Price-income Ratio

  13. 第四章对我国城镇居民房价收入比进行了实证分析。

    The fourth chapter analyses the urban residents ' house price-income ratio in our country .

  14. 从需求的角度,判断价格合理性的指标是房价收入比、住房机会指数。

    In terms of demand , the indices are price-income ratio and housing opportunity index .

  15. 南京市的房价收入比已经达到13.6:1,远远超过的青年工薪层的承受范围。

    The price earnings ratio has reached 13.6:1 in Nanjing , far exceeding the tolerance of young salaried .

  16. 并对住房空置率和房价收入比指标做了详细的分析;

    And has made detailed analysis in index the vacancy rate of the house and rate of price and income ;

  17. 通过分析某住宅的费用现状提出若干降低房价收入比的思路。

    From analyzing the cost situation of some house , to bring forward trains of thought , to low thd proportion .

  18. 易居研究院认为我国房价收入比保持在6-7属合理区间。

    According to the institute , a reasonable housing price to income ratio in China should be between 6 to 7 .

  19. 从房价收入比看城市住房供给体系的构建&以蚌埠市为例

    Analysis on the Establishment of City Housing Supply System in the Perspective of House Price-income-ratio & A Case Study of Bengbu City

  20. 房价收入比研究现状及发展改进&基于上海房地产市场的经验分析

    Situation of Study and Development on Housing Price to Income Ratio & Based on the Empirical Analysis of Shanghai Real Estate Market

  21. 房价收入比是目前国际上常用的衡量城市居民住房消费能力和房价水平的综合指标。

    Housing price-income ratio is a common index for the use of measuring capability of housing consumes and level of housing price .

  22. 论文通过计算2004年我国34个主要城市的房价收入比和住房可支付性指数,对我国城市居民的住房支付能力进行了城市排序。

    This paper ranks the affordability and house prices of households of 34 major cities in China by calculating the PIR and HAI .

  23. 房价收入比指房价中位数和家庭年收入中位数的比值,反映了在特定地区购房的难易程度。

    The price-to-income ratio , the ratio between median house price and median annual household income , measures affordability in a given area .

  24. 经济学家认为中国房价收入比在7左右时是合理的,历史上其它快速发展的亚洲经济体就是如此。

    In China , economists see a house price-to-income ratio of about seven as reasonable , as was historically the case in fast-developing Asian economies .

  25. 坏消息是,中国主要城市的房价收入比仍非常高:上海12.4,北京11.6,深圳为15.6。

    The bad news is price-to-income ratios in China 's leading cities are still high : 12.4 in Shanghai , 11.6 in Beijing and 15.6 in Shenzhen .

  26. 如:居民房价收入比过高、别墅等高级商品房的开发及投资过多、投机性炒房等热点民生问题也引起了全社会的关注。

    Residents high housing price-income ratio , villa and other senior high commodity housing development too much , have also aroused the concern of the whole society .

  27. 通过对房价收入比和空置率这两个定量因素的研究,可以分析我国房地产泡沫的状况。

    Through the study on the ratio of housing price to the income and the rate of housing vacancy , the bubbles of our real-estate can be analyzed .

  28. 在发达经济体,房价收入比在3倍左右被认为是正常的。在其他亚洲经济体,这个比率大多维持在5-7倍。

    Prices of about three times average annual incomes are considered normal in developed economies and prices of five to seven times are more common in other Asian economies .

  29. 本文的主要观点:第一,中国房地产市场价格上涨速度过快,主要城市房屋租售比和房价收入比偏高。

    The main points are : First , the Chinese real estate market prices rose too fast , the main city rent ratio and price earnings ratio is high .

  30. “房价收入比”是指一个地方每户居民的平均房价与每户居民的平均年收入之比。

    " income housing " refers to a place each and every household of the average house prices with each and every household of the average annual income ratio .