
  1. 是你和家庭服务中心说了我的事对吗

    Did you talk to family services about me ?

  2. 推广服务中心说,温度在15到21度之间的土壤最适合土豆的成长,如果土壤温度达到27度,块茎就无法形成。

    The extension service says the best formation happens when the soil is between fifteen and twenty-one degrees Celsius . Tubers will not form if the soil temperature reaches twenty-seven degrees .

  3. 还有一位姓陈的家长打电话到服务中心投诉说,他的儿子是一名初中生,最近因遭同学殴打而致使面部受伤。

    Another parent surnamed Chen called the center to complain that his son , a junior school student , received facial injuries from his classmate .

  4. 我们刚致电你的信用卡服务中心,他们说你的信用卡已被取消了。

    We 've called your credit card service center and they told me that your card has been cancelled .

  5. 伊利诺斯州立大学推广服务中心的人员说,应该在豆荚结实、长到标准长度的时候采摘。

    The University of Illinois Extension service says you should harvest beans when the pods are firm and have reached their full length .

  6. 但英国心理学教授、曼彻斯特大学心理服务中心主任杰弗里·彼迪说许多人都不知道他们的双脚所传达的秘密信息。

    But U.K.psychologist Professor Geoffrey Beattie , dean of psychological services at Manchester University , said many people have no idea about the secret messages their feet are giving out .

  7. 南京的一个萤火虫栖息地非常受欢迎,“甚至有人从外省坐飞机过来,这很恐怖,”青环志愿者服务中心的朱翔宇说。

    One firefly habitat in Nanjing has become so popular that " people fly in from other provinces , which is scary , " said Mr. Zhu of the Qinghuan Volunteer Service Center .

  8. 迄今为止,我们处理过大量千奇百怪的名字变更,但这是所有登记在册的名字中最长的一个,英国负责名字变更请求的法律契约服务中心发言人蒂娜·克劳夫说。

    We have processed a number of crazy name changes to date , but this is the longest one on record , said Tina Clough , spokesperson for The Legal Deed Poll Service , which handles name change requests in England .

  9. 马里兰州大学合作推广服务中心的SusanTrice说,卷心菜需要六十到九十天的生长期,作物之间的空隙取决于你想要卷心菜头长成多大,一旦头部形成,任何时间都可收获了。

    Susan Trice from the University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service says cabbage takes about sixty to ninety days to grow . She says the amount of space needed between the plants depends on how big you expect the heads to be . Cabbage can be picked any time after the heads have formed .