
  • 网络Reverse discrimination;reversed discrimination
  1. 康涅狄格州纽黑文的火警称其是反向歧视的受害者。

    New Haven , Connecticut firefighters say they are victims of reverse discrimination .

  2. 差别对待有一个限度问题,它的两种极端包括歧视和反向歧视。

    The difference treatment has a limit question , its two kind of extremes include the discrimination and the reverse discrimination .

  3. 笔者通过对女性时尚期刊权力、经验、身体、快乐话语的解构和分析,发现女性时尚期刊的表达陷入了一定的话语矛盾和困境:是身份认同的标志,却又隐含着反向歧视;

    By analyzing the puissance , experience , body and happiness language , I find that the really meaning of the female fashionable periodical is a kind of contradictive expression .

  4. 各国政府应当在避免形成反向歧视的前提下,采取积极措施,让少数人有更多机会参与社会竞争,实现社会整体的和谐和更公正意义上的平等。

    All governments should take measures to guarantee minority participation in fair competition , more harmony in the entire society and real equality in premise of avoiding the direction of anti-discrimination .

  5. 反向就业歧视是和普通就业歧视相对应的,其表现形式为对特定劳动者群体的特别保护、照顾和优惠措施。

    China must establish a mechanism of legal protection of anti-discrimination against employment in order to guarantee laborers employment and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests .

  6. 介绍了我国教育中存在的性别公平化问题的历史渊源、现状特点以及存在的性别歧视类型,包括显性性别歧视、隐性性别歧视和反向性别歧视。

    Introduced the history of educational gender equality problem in China , and the present situation characteristic as well as the existence sex discrimination type which exists , including dominant sex discrimination , recessive sex discrimination and reverse sex discrimination .