
  • 网络Anti-avoidance;anti-tax avoidance
  1. 实质课税具有强烈的反避税功能。

    The economic substance doctrine has anti-tax avoidance function strongly .

  2. 此外,还在分析避税危害性的基础上,提出了反避税的必要性。

    Additionally , on the basis of analyzing harmfulness of evading tax , the writer puts forward the necessity of anti-tax avoidance .

  3. 针对FDI的国际避税问题,各国反避税态度的不同和反避税措施的差异,对FDI的效应不同。

    The different attitudes and measures of different countries on anti-tax avoidance have different effect on FDI .

  4. 问:G20峰会各方将讨论加强金融监管和反避税问题。

    Q : Parties at the G20 Summit will discuss financial regulation and counter-tax-evasion .

  5. 加入WTO后,进一步加强中国转让定价税制这一反避税问题的研究,防范外商投资企业利用转让定价进行避税已显得越来越重要。

    With China entry into WTO , it is becoming more important for China to do more study on tax evasion , which aims at preventing the foreign-investment enterprises from evading tax .

  6. 1982年英国上议院又确立了反避税的Ramsay原则。Ramsay原则是经历了一次次法院对避税案的审理和判决后不断完善、不断发展的,强调在判断是否避税时实质重于形式。

    Then the English Senate has established the Ramsay principle about anti-avoidance of taxes in 1982.This principle emphasizes " the essence is heavier than the form " .

  7. 反避税工作现状和措施浅析

    A Brief Analysis of Current Situation And Measures Against Tax Evasion

  8. 反避税调查目标的实现过程

    On the Process of Investigatory Goal of Counter - tax Avoidance

  9. 以点带面,逐步拓展反避税工作的纵深。

    Gradually expanding the depth of anti-avoidance career from points to areas .

  10. 我国国际反避税对策研究

    The Research of China International Anti - tax Shelter Policy

  11. 基地公司避税的法律规制措施研究论国际避税与反避税立法

    On Legal Counteracting Measures Against International Tax Avoidance Engaged by Base Company

  12. 税法中的反避税问题集中反映了这两个矛盾的冲突。

    The anti-avoidance has focused on the two contradictory conflicts .

  13. 对中国反避税立法现状和存在问题的分析与思考

    Tax Anti - Avoidance in China : Problems and Suggestions

  14. 新形势下反避税的合理策划与运用

    New Strategies and Application for Anti-tax Avoidance in New Circumstances

  15. 浅谈国际避税方式及反避税措施

    Discuss on International Pattern And Resisting Measure of Tax Avoidance

  16. 避税与反避税,是税法学一个基础而永恒的命题。

    Tax avoidance and anti-avoidance tax law a basic for eternal proposition .

  17. 跨国公司的国际避税与反避税

    The International Tax Avoidance and the Anti-tax Avoidance for the Multinational Company

  18. 反避税中转让定价方法研究

    A Research on Transfer Pricing Method in Tax Anti-avoidance

  19. 在华外企的反避税审计策略研究

    Research on Anti-tax Avoidance Auditing Strategy on Foreign-funded Businesses

  20. 国际税收协定与反避税

    International Tax Treaties and Anti - tax - evasion

  21. 然而我国现行的反避税立法适用范围过窄,仅限于转让定价避税。

    In view of the application scope of current anti-avoidance legislation is too narrow .

  22. 关联企业转让定价的反避税问题研究

    The Research of the Anti-Tax-Avoidance among Affiliated Enterprise

  23. 本章旨在从总体观念上理清如何反避税即反避税的中心思路。

    The purpose of this chapter is to sort out the central ideas of anti-avoidance .

  24. 论反避税行为的税收执法缺陷

    On Deficiency in Taxation Enforcement of Anti-Tax-Dodging

  25. 转让定价税制与反避税

    Transfer Pricing Tax System and Anti-avoidance

  26. 还必须制定反避税条款,以防大笔收入是以工资、而非奖金的名义发放。

    There would have to be anti-avoidance provisions to prevent large payments being notionally salaries not bonuses .

  27. 据此,笔者从博弈的角度提出,改进反避税的方法和策略,应建立在对企业避税行为分析的基础之上。

    The thesis suggests that policies and approaches for anti-tax avoidance should be established with complete analysis .

  28. 我国涉外企业避税与反避税问题探讨&兼议由于外汇调剂导致的外商避税

    Discussion on the Problem of Avoiding Tax and Anti - Avoiding Tax of concerning Foreign Enterprises in China

  29. 企业所得税反避税:意义、措施与任务升职就意味着得加班加点、任劳任怨

    A Study on the Significance and Measures of Anti-tax-avoidance ; A promotion means late hours , hard work

  30. 反避税的方法很多,主要有以下几种:1、进行反避税立法;

    The traditional ways of International Tax Avoidance are as follows : 1 , Movement of tax payers ;