
  1. 不同风险类型的企业,其担保费率对反担保措施价值的边际替代率不同。

    The different risk types of SMEs have the different marginal rate of substitution between guarantee rate and the value of counter-security measures . 3 .

  2. 通过对反担保措施的定性分析进行合理的风险评价,适应反担保设置的灵活性和充分体现担保对中小企业的扶持作用。

    It should adapt flexibility of anti-guarantee setup and embody its supporting function for enterprises through qualitative analysis of anti-guarantee and estimation of risk with reason .

  3. 阐述了担保和反担保的基本概念,反担保的种类以及落实反担保措施的对策。

    This article described basic conception of guarantee and counter-guarantee . The kinds and some workable measures of counter-guarantee are also presented .