
fǎn kuì kònɡ zhì
  • feedback control
  1. 线性大系统的分散协同H∞状态反馈控制

    Decentralized cooperative H_ ∞ state feedback control of linear interconnected large-scale systems

  2. 主动悬架H∞/广义H2静态输出反馈控制方法

    H_ ∞ / Generalized H_2 Static Output Feedback Control Method for Active Suspension

  3. 具有时滞依赖系统的H∞动态输出反馈控制

    Control of time-lag-dependent systems by using H_ ∞ dynamic output feedback

  4. 网络控制系统(Networkedcontrolsystems),是经网络传输信号的指反馈控制系统。

    Networked Control Systems ( NCS ) are feedback control systems in which signal is transmitted through networks .

  5. 混和H2/H∞状态反馈控制

    Mixed H_2 / H_ ∞ state feedback control

  6. 反馈控制系统Delta算子理论的研究与发展

    Delta - Operator Theory for Feedback Control System - A Survey

  7. 机械手PID反馈控制律的稳定性

    Stability of PID Feedback Control law of Robot Manipulators

  8. 具有反馈控制的Logistic扩散系统平衡态的稳定性

    Stability of positive steady-state for logistic diffusion systems with feedback control

  9. 反馈控制原理在控制QoS中间件设计上的应用

    The application of feedback theory on QoS in distributed application environment

  10. PID实现反馈控制,保证系统稳定性,且抑制扰动。

    PID is used for feed-back control , to ensure system stability , and restrain disorder .

  11. 设计完成了AFM的数字PID反馈控制系统。

    We have constructed a digital PID feedback control system of AFM .

  12. 利用间歇非线性时滞反馈控制一维Logistic系统的混沌运动

    The Chaotic Control of Logistic Map Based on the Occasional Nonlinear Time - delayed Feedback

  13. 采用FIR数字滤波器的反馈控制系统

    The Feed back Control System With FIR Digital Filter

  14. 具反馈控制的LOGISTIC增长模型

    Logistic growth model with feedback regulation

  15. 异构环境下一种实现负载均衡的MIMO反馈控制模型

    Using MIMO Control to Implement Load-balancing in Heterogeneous System

  16. 不确定非线性系统的H∞状态反馈控制采用T-S模糊模型。

    The H ∞ state feedback control of uncertain nonlinear system adopted T-S fuzzy model .

  17. 传统多环反馈控制每一环路中使用的都是PID控制器,在稳态精度方面存在缺陷。

    Steady-state error can not be eliminated because controller used in each control loop is usually a PID controller .

  18. 通过实时网络构成的闭环反馈控制系统,被称为网络控制系统(Networkedcontrolsystems,简称NCSs)。

    Feedback control systems wherein the control loops are closed through a real-time network are called networked control systems ( NCSs ) .

  19. 网络控制系统(NetWorkedControlSystem,NCS)是一个利用实时网络构建的闭环反馈控制系统。

    The networked control system ( NCS ) is a kind of closed-loop feedback control system , which is built by use of a real-time networking .

  20. 然而,PLC还大都只是承担最基本的控制功能,如顺序控制和PID反馈控制。

    But now , PLC mostly still take on the most essential control , such as sequential control and PID feedback control .

  21. 对最近提出的Liu混沌系统建立了自反馈控制和单参数采样数据反馈控制方法。

    The paper addressed the self-feedback control and single parameter sampled-data feedback control for the lately advanced Liu chaotic system .

  22. 调速器反馈控制系统的Hopf分叉

    Hopf Bifurcation of Flywheel Governor with Feedback Control Device

  23. 文中首先讨论了一类具有状态和控制时滞的不确定非线性系统的模糊H∞状态反馈控制问题。

    First , the problem of the fuzzy H state feedback control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with input and state time delay is addressed .

  24. BP神经网络模型具有较好的泛化能力,计算精度也较高,但难以进行反馈控制计算;

    The artificial neural network is of high capacity of generalization and high accuracy of calculation , but it is difficult for discharge feedback control calculation ;

  25. 状态反馈控制(SFC)系统是一种先进控制系统[1]。

    State Feedback Control ( SFC ) system is a progressive control system .

  26. 以航天器在惯性坐标系下位置速度向量误差为输入量,给出了一种全状态反馈控制律,利用Lyapunov方法证明该闭环系统是渐进稳定的;

    The tracing errors are required based on mean elements . The asymptotic stability of the feedback system is proved with Lyapunov method .

  27. 论文针对系统的图像获取方式与图像预处理及反馈控制等关键技术开展研究,并通过对高炉辐射特性的分析研究,确定了CCD的型号、工作波段和参数。

    According to technique of image pre-processing and feedback control and radiated characteristic of furnace , the model , working waveband and parameters of CCD is settled .

  28. 该DC-DC转换器采用了当前最流行的几种技术:电流/电压反馈控制、PWM调制以及同步整流控制。

    This DC-DC converter adopts the most prevalent technology at present , such as current mode feedback , PWM modulation and synchronous rectification .

  29. 在接下来的三章中,讨论了这个系统中的三个重要算法:基于Internet的反馈控制算法,它主要用于向编码器提供有关网络状况的信息;

    After that , we move on to present three important algorithms in the following three chapters : a feedback control algorithm for Internet transport , which is capable of providing the situation of network to encoder ;

  30. 为了保持双脉宽调制(PWM)三电平调速装置直流电容电压的平衡,提高装置的运行性能和可靠性,提出了一种新型的有功功率反馈控制方法。

    A new control method with active power feedback is proposed to balance the DC link voltage and enhance the performance of dual PWM three level electric drive systems .