
  1. 最后,对于非典型担保物权之间的竞存,本文也尝试性地进行了论述。

    Lastly , the article also discusses about the competitive-existed between untypical security interests .

  2. 第三章论述信用支持这一非典型担保在遵守内国担保法律的同时,尽量防范国际金融互换实际支付的信用风险。

    Chapter Three describes that credit support arrangement which is an atypical security defends credit crisis in the real payment of international financial swaps .

  3. 我国1995年制定的《担保法》已对典型担保作了较完善的规定,而非典型担保在理论和实务中尚还薄弱。

    The Security Law enacted in 1995 has stipulated typical security , however the practice and theory of untypical security is still poor in China .

  4. 其作为一种非典型担保制度,是伴随着经济发展对新类型担保制度的需要而产生的。

    As an typical security system , it was came along with the economic development of the needs of a new type of security system .

  5. 让与担保制度是顺应市场经济发展对资金融通和动产用益的迫切需要而产生和发展起来的一种非典型担保制度。

    The system of transferring guarantee comes and develops into a untypical guarantee system , which meets with the urgent needs to finance and use the movable property of the market economy .

  6. 所有权保留制度是市场经济发展到一定阶段的产物,该制度既解决了出卖人担保上的需要,也解决了买受人融资的压力,是一种非典型担保性质的制度。

    Ownership retention system is a outcome of market economy development in certain stage . The system not only solves guarantee needs of sellers but also eases the financing pressure of buyers .

  7. 考虑到非典型担保物权在我国司法实践中还没有建立起完整的体系,有些制度还没有法律明文的规范,因此论述中更多的是借鉴已有的理论来作为论述的基础。

    Considering that it has not established a integrated system of the untypical security interests in our country and lacking of some necessary systems , the discussion primarily adopt some theories existed in developed countries .

  8. 我国正在制定物权法和民法典,让与担保作为移转所有权的一种非典型担保形式以判例的形式在德、日等大陆法国家发展起来,并成为一种重要的担保制度。

    Because the transferring security is an important kind of nontypical security , it draws the attention of the students as the real right law and the civil code are being drafted in our nation .

  9. 让与担保是大陆法系国家经判例学说发展起来的一种非典型担保制度,它是通过预先转移担保标的物的所有权来实现对债权的担保。

    Guarantee for transfer is a kind of non-representative surety system which developed from precedent and law theory in civil law system countries . Creditor ' rights can be assured by transferring the droit of the guaranty beforehand .

  10. 让与担保制度是由大陆法系德日等国沿袭罗马法上的信托行为理论而逐渐发展起来的,须转移标的物上权利的非典型担保制度。

    The system of alienation guarantee is an untypical guarantee system that developed gradually through absorbing Fiducia Theory in Roman Law by civil law countries ( Germany Japan , our Taiwan areas , etc. ) and needs transfer the rights of the subject .

  11. 很多国家都在固定抵押之外规定了一些非典型的担保方式,浮动抵押即为其中一种。

    Many countries have provisions in the fixed mortgage of many atypical ways of security , which is one of the floating mortgages .

  12. 让与担保制度是一种须移转标的物上权利归属的非典型的物的担保制度。

    The system of alienation guarantee is a untypical guarantee system of transfer of rights of subject matter .