
fèi ɡǎi shuì
  • Fee to tax;transform administrative fees into taxes;tax-for-fees reform
  1. 第三,环境税种少而不集中,税率和税负的设计不合理,污染费制度存在较大的随意性,急需实行费改税;

    Thirdly , the environment tax categories are few and not concentrated , the tax rate and the design of the tax burden is unreasonable , the pollution fee system is capricious , urgent need implementation transform administrative fees into taxes .

  2. c.实行森林地租制度,推进林业费改税;

    C. carrying out the forest land rent system and boosting the forestry tax reform ;

  3. 费改税问题的法律研究

    Legal Research on the Problems of " Fees into Taxes "

  4. 社会保障费改税的实证分析

    Practical Analysis on Transforming Administrative Fees into Taxes of Social Insurance

  5. 对农村费改税实践中税制设计的思考

    On How to Carry out Fees into Taxes System in the Countryside

  6. 公路费改税对山东省交通行业的影响

    The Effect of Highway Cost-to - Tax on Transportation Industry in Shandong

  7. 论中国社会保障费改税

    On the Transformation of the Chinese Social Security from Fees to Taxes

  8. 论社会保障费改税的问题与对策

    On the Fee - to-tax Reform and the Countermeasures of Social Insurance

  9. 二是积极推进费改税的改革;

    Secondly , improve the reform of the fee changing the tax ;

  10. 试行费改税后农民负担问题研究&以山西省农村203个农户的调查为例

    Analysis of Peasant on Burden after reforming of Tax and Fee in Shanxi

  11. 燃油税是费改税,开征难在何处?

    Fee to tax for the fuel tax , where are the challenges ?

  12. 费改税的难点及其对策

    On the Difficulties of " Taxes for Fees " and Its Counter measures

  13. 浅析燃油费改税后对宁夏灌区农业生产的影响

    The Influence of Levying Petroleum Tax to Farming Production in Linxia Irrigation Area

  14. 社会保障费改税的制度性约束

    On System Restriction of the Change from Social Security Fee to Social Security Tax

  15. 公共商品收费之我见&对费改税的再认识

    My Opinion on Charging of Public Products

  16. 农村费改税主流方案有其积极意义,但存在很大的不彻底性;

    The main programme of taxation reform in rural areas is significant but not thorough .

  17. 费改税对公路客运成本的影响

    The Effect of the " Fee Replace Tax " on the Passenger Transportation 's Cost

  18. 农村费改税问题的经济学分析

    The economic analysis on the problems in the reform of changing the traditional country charges into taxes

  19. 费改税后运输企业将如何保持汽车联营的继续发展

    How to maintain the continuous development of joint operation and management after turning fee collection into taxation

  20. 论依法行政是推行费改税的有效途径

    Performing the Government 's Right by Law Is an Efficient Way to Carry Out Fee into Tax

  21. 排污费改税法律制度探讨

    A Probe into Transforming the Legal System from Pollutants - discharge Fee to Pollutants - discharge Tax

  22. 社会保险费改税付出的代价和取得的效益在整个制度变迁的进程中的分布将会是不均衡的。

    The gain and loss in process of the reform of the social insurance tax is disequilibrium .

  23. 费改税的目标及思路

    Cause and Effect of Tax Reform On Aims and Considerations of the " Fee to Tax "

  24. 社会保障“费改税”一直以来就是学术界的热点问题。

    Changing social security fee to social security tax is always a hot spot in the academic circle .

  25. 费改税对综合运输结构及模式演化的影响分析

    The Influence Analysis of the " Fei-gai-shui " to the Construction and the Model Evolution of the Comprehensive Transportation

  26. 费改税后江苏省农村公路养护的资金需求与供给研究

    Demand and Supply in Maintenance Fund of Rural Roads after the " Fee to Tax " of Jiangsu Province

  27. 在实行费改税为主的税费改革后,中国农村义务教育发展资金紧缺的问题更显突出。

    After the reform of tax-for-fee , fund 's shortage in rural compulsory education is becoming more and more serious .

  28. 资源要素相对价格的变化是推动利益集团进行社会保险费改税的诱导因素。

    The resources factors related to price change are inducing factors to promote interests groups to change fees into tax .

  29. 费改税后公路客运车型选用方法的研究&以山东省公路客运为例


  30. 加快房地产税立法并适时推进改革,推动环境保护费改税。

    Also , accelerate property-tax legislation and related reform at an appropriate time . Change the current environmental-protection fee into an environment tax .