
  1. 好时和费列罗拥有强大而保守的控股股东分别是HersheySchoolTrust和费列罗家族年逾八旬的老族长。

    Hershey and Ferrero have powerful , conservative controlling shareholders the Hershey School Trust and the octogenarian patriarch of the Ferrero family respectively .

  2. 蒙特莎宣称,在1993年之前,它从未见过费列罗Rocher巧克力产品,尽管费列罗称,该公司从1984年起就在中国销售产品。

    It said it had not seen a Ferrero Rocher before 1993 , though the Italian company says it began selling in China in 1984 .

  3. 费列罗的国际业务副总裁弗兰切斯卡保罗富尔奇(francescopaolofulci)说:“我们祝贺中国作出了有利于尊重知识产权的判决。”

    Francesco Paolo Fulci , Ferrero international vice-president , said : " we congratulate China for having decided in favour of the respect of intellectual property rights . "

  4. 费列罗发言人亚历山德罗•卡利(AlessandroCagli)说:这是令人鼓舞的一步,我们现在将密切关注判决的执行情况。

    This is an encouraging step and we will now be following the enforcement of the decision closely , said Alessandro Cagli , a Ferrero spokesman .

  5. 意大利糖果生产商费列罗(Ferrero)昨天称,该公司在中国赢得了一项具有里程碑意义的法庭判决。此前,费列罗起诉中国国内的一家竞争对手仿冒其标志性的金箔包装Rocher巧克力。

    Ferrero , the Italian confectioner , yesterday said it had won a landmark court decision in China against a domestic rival for imitating its signature gold-wrapped Rocher chocolate .

  6. 卡尔说,吉百利尚无计划与美国好时(Hershey)、意大利费列罗(Ferrero)等潜在的竞争收购方进行认真谈判,除非它们提交有充分资金支持的要约。

    Mr Carr said Cadbury had no plans to hold serious conversations with possible counter bidders such as Hershey of the US and Italy 's Ferrero until the companies produced fully financed offers .

  7. 只有当你是真正的外交官,而且既能写出得体的电报,又能像费列罗(ferrerorocher)电视广告中的那位男士一样在派对上提供最美味的巧克力,才可以使用该头衔。

    You can only use the title if you are a diplomat who writes a decent cable and , like the man immortalised in the Ferrero Rocher telly ads , serves only the finest chocolate at parties .

  8. 好时与费列罗联合收购会非常复杂,难以把控。

    A joint Hershey-Ferrero bid would be horribly complex to engineer .

  9. 费列罗称,该公司在诉讼中曾屡遭挫折。

    Ferrero said it had suffered several setbacks in its fight .

  10. 费列罗还说,该公司将考虑在中国进一步投资。

    It said it would now look at further investments in China .

  11. 在先知名商品特有名称、包装、装潢的认定与保护&费列罗案引发的思考

    Reflections on the Authentication and Protection of Specific Packaging and Decorating of the First Well-known Commodities

  12. 费列罗若与吉百利结盟,将缔造一个欧洲巨擘,在德国、意大利和法国市场形成互补。

    Teaming up with Cadbury would create a European powerhouse with nicely complementary positions in Germany , Italy and France .

  13. 意大利巧克力制造商费列罗决定不参与任何对吉百利的竞价。

    It emerged that Ferrero , an Italian chocolatier , had decided not to join any potential rival bids for Cadbury .

  14. 吉百利似乎希望好时或费列罗会提出各自的报价、或者进行联合竞购。

    Cadbury seems to like the idea of Hershey or Ferrero making their own bid , or perhaps a joint one .

  15. 两者都不愿失去控制权,即使费列罗的儿子们正动员自己的父亲进行交易。

    Both will be reluctant to lose control , even if Mr Ferrero 's sons are pushing their father to do a deal .

  16. 去年春天,中国法院对一起商标争议案件进行判决,意大利巧克力制造商费列罗和奢侈品品牌古琦胜诉。

    While last spring , Chinese courts passed trademark judgments in favor of the Italian chocolate maker Ferrero and the luxury goods label Gucci .

  17. 本论文的目的是探讨费列罗巧克力公司在中国面临的市场机会,并提出相应的市场策略。

    The aim of this thesis is to conduct a market research to explore the opportunities that Ferrero can still exploit in the chocolate market in China .

  18. 费列罗的营收与吉百利相近,该公司所能期望的最好情形或许是对等合并对吉百利的股东而言,这可能并不比卡夫的报价更具吸引力。

    With revenues similar to Cadbury , the best Ferrero might hope for would be a merger of equals unlikely to be tastier for Cadbury shareholders than Kraft 's offer .

  19. 目前,吉百利有一个很好的机会,维持其独立公司的地位。其它的可能是,卡夫会提高报价,或是好时和费列罗会加入争夺。

    Cadbury currently stands a decent chance of remaining an independent company . Alternatively , Kraft may raise its offer or Hershey and Ferrero may get drawn into the contest .

  20. 移到包装回收循环中,并通过再生纤维转移到原料和食品中。我们费列罗将和所有的供应链伙伴合作,寻找技术解决方案,尽量把这些无所不在的物质转移到食物中的可能减到最低。”

    At Ferrero , together with all our supply chain partners , we are working on technical solutions to minimise these omnipresent substances as much as possible and to avoid transfer and migration to food . '