
  1. 为购置和扩建长期资产而发生的费用叫资本性支出,记录在资产账户。

    Expenditures for the purchase or expansion of plant assets are called capital expenditures and are recorded in asset accounts .

  2. 通过计算参合住院者因年住院费用导致灾难性支出发生的频率以及严重程度,了解新型农村合作医疗对减轻参合住院者疾病经济负担的作用。

    To know about the effect of NCMS on reducing burden of disease by measuring the frequency and severity of Catastrophic health expenditure . 7 .

  3. 很多单位将专项经费用作一般事业性支出,如油料费,汽车修理费、汽车保险费、聘用人员工资等;

    Many units will be the cause of special funds for general expenditures , such as fuel costs , car repairs , car insurance , staff wages , etc.

  4. 1978&2005年中国居民消费支出结构研究经常开支;经常开支;经常性费用;经常性费用;经常性支出;经常性支出

    The Research on Chinese Residents Consumption Payout Structure during 1978-2005 ; recurrent expenditure

  5. 每月所必须支付的经常费用,将连同佣金一并汇上。经常开支;经常开支;经常性费用;经常性费用;经常性支出;经常性支出

    Expenses will be paid monthly together with our commission remittance . recurrent expenditure