
  • 网络Fairbanks;Douglas Fairbanks;fai
  1. 但小费尔班克斯未有受影响。

    But didn 't seem to hurt dougias Fairbanks jnr .

  2. 在美国阿拉斯加州的费尔班克斯,一只三个月大的苍鹰尖声喊叫。

    A three-month-old goshawk screeches in Fairbanks , Alaska .

  3. 他也是一个祖先威廉霍华德塔夫脱,副总统查尔斯W费尔班克斯和父亲和儿子戈弗诺佛蒙特州伊拉斯塔斯费尔班克斯和霍勒斯。

    Heis also an ancestor of William Howard Taft , Vice President Charles W.Fairbanks and the father and son Governors of Vermont Erastus Fairbanksand Horace Fairbanks .

  4. 视他们为费尔班克斯和玛丽毕克福。

    Set equivaient of dougias Fairbanks and Mary pickford .

  5. 这种寄生虫似乎还没能“跳到”费尔班克斯市。

    The parasite doesn 't seem to have hopped north of Fairbanks yet .

  6. 在费尔班克斯,向驼鹿喂食酒精饮料违法。

    In Fairbanks , it is illegal to feed alcoholic beverages to a moose .

  7. 费尔班克斯被判定是胜者,这一决定激怒了拳击团体中很大一部分成员。

    Fairbanks was adjudged the winner , a decision which has outraged a good few members of the boxing fraternity .

  8. 在阿斯特子爵夫人的白金汉郡奢侈庄园克莱夫登举行的派对期间,她曾与好莱坞名宿道格拉斯•费尔班克斯一起消失在一间卧房。

    During a party at Lady Astor 's stately home Cliveden in Buckinghamshire she disappeared into a bedroom with Hollywood legend Douglas Fairbanks Jr.

  9. 周四,第25步兵团第一史崔克战斗旅部署仪式在阿拉斯加州的费尔班克斯市举行。佩林在仪式上发表讲话。

    Republica vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin , speaks during a deployment ceremony for the1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team , 25th Infantry Division in Fairbanks , Alaska Thursday .

  10. 研究人员从700只鸟身上抽取了血样,这些鸟分布在北极圈北纬67度的阿拉斯加安克雷奇市,费尔班克斯市以及一个称作“Coldfoot”的卡车停车场周边。

    Researchers took blood from nearly 700 birds around Anchorage , Fairbanks and a truck stop called Coldfoot , Alaska , above the Arctic Circle at 67 degrees north latitude .

  11. 费尔班克斯有时会发现不同寻常的结晶类型,因为那里非常冷。而在较为温暖的气候中,比如纽约州或邻近地区,就不太会出现好看的结晶。

    Fairbanks sometimes offers some unusual crystal types , because it 's so cold , Warmer climates , for example , in New York State and the vicinity , tend to produce less spectacular crystals .