
  1. 在收入分类中一项重要的改革就是将预算外收入列归非税收入纳入预算管理。

    One of the important reforms is to classify the non-budget revenue into non-tax revenue , and managed by state budget .

  2. 在将非税收入纳入政府预算的同时,把收费部门的纵向补助彻底纳入财政转移支付体系。

    At the same time of bringing non-taxable revenue into budgetary management , portrait subsidy to the department of charging must be absolutely brought into fiscal system of transfer payments .

  3. 研究提出进一步加强非税收入管理的意见,制订了到2011年将非税收入纳入预算管理的计划。

    We worked out guidelines for improving management of non-tax revenue and a plan to bring it under budgetary management by2011 .