
fù shuì nénɡ lì
  • ability to pay;ability of bearing taxation
  1. 负税能力原则;纳税的支付能力原则;课税的支付能力原则关税作为保护手段原则

    Ability-to-pay principle of taxation rule of customs duties as means of protection

  2. 有能力偿还到期的债务。负税能力原则;纳税的支付能力原则;课税的支付能力原则

    The ability to meet maturing obligations as they come due . ability-to-pay principle of taxation

  3. 现行的分类所得课税制虽然在征收上和稽查方面具有相对的优势,却由于不能全面按照纳税人的负税能力课税而公平性较差。

    The classification of the existing income tax system while the collection of courses and auditing with comparative advantage , but can not fully in accordance with the taxpayers as a result of the negative tax capacity of poor and fair taxation .