
  1. 第二部分探寻负担行政行为应当遵循的基本原则,在遵循行政法基本的法治原则和合理原则的前提下,本文重点阐述了比例原则、权利保障原则和法律保留原则。

    The second part of this paper is to introduce the basic principle interest-damaged administrative actions should follow , the principles includes proportion principle , right protection principle and the legal reservation principle .

  2. 对授益性行政行为的撤销权比负担性行政行为撤销权受到的限制更多,而对具有第三人效力的行政行为撤销权的限制则需要对第三人所受到的影响进行具体分析。

    Benefit-granting administrative actions are more strictly restricted than burdening administrative action . And revocation of administrative actions that effect on the interested person need to be concretely analysis .