
fù qiáng huà
  • negative reinforcement
负强化[fù qiáng huà]
  1. 负强化只是奖励的一种形式而已。

    Negative reinforcement is just a type of reward .

  2. 负强化与惩罚之间有着很大的区别。

    Negative reinforcement is very different from punishment .

  3. 不起诉、撤诉制度、检察机关考评制度在一定程度上对重新起诉起到了负强化作用。

    Not to prosecute , a nolle prosequi and acquittal plays a negative reinforcement effect to a certain extent .

  4. 区别就是,在正强化中你接受某种刺激;,而在负强化中你回避了某种厌恶刺激。

    The difference is in positive reinforcement you do something ; in negative reinforcement you take away something aversive .

  5. 心理学导论的考试中,会经常考到一个术语上的区别,即正强化,与负强化之间的区别。

    There 's two & One technical distinction that people love to put on Intro Psych exams is that the difference between positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement .

  6. 但当我们在现实中训练人类,甚至是训练动物时,我们实际上并不总是用到初级强化物,或是负强化物。

    But in the real world when dealing with humans , but even when dealing with animals , we don 't actually always use primary reinforcers or negative reinforcers .

  7. 虽然在一些潮流文化中教练、老板、领导者将负强化做为一种激励手段,但并不是最有效的动力。

    Negative reinforcement , though often depicted in popular culture as the tool of choice for coaches , bosses and other leaders , is not the most effective motivator .

  8. 文章还探讨了由于路径依赖的负强化机制而导致的产业集群发展的制度失灵,如产业集群发展中的柠檬市场、外部负效应等。

    The article also discusses industrial clusters " system failure " because of the negative mechanism of path dependence , such as the lemon-market , the external negative effects of the industrial cluster development .

  9. 肝内病灶中HCC、肝转移瘤信号强度无明显变化或呈轻度负性强化。肝血管瘤等良性病灶信号在扫描延迟期可见轻度正性强化作用。

    However , the signal intensity showed few changes in hepatic metastases and only a little positive or negative enhancement in angioma 、 HCC and FNH .

  10. 结果:扫描结果显示在自旋回波和梯度回波的T2加权序列中,肝实质呈明显负性强化。

    Results : The study shown that the hepatic parenchyma had a significantly negative enhancement in T 2 weight of SE and GRE sequence .

  11. 由于迷宫测试采用人工记录和负性强化,受干扰因素较多;

    But the negative reinforcement by human operation in Y maze test could affect the results .

  12. 来自父母的积极或消极的负性强化会教育孩子他或她能从头痛症状中得到一定的利益。

    Either positive or negative reinforcement from the parents teaches the child that he or she can gain certain advantages from headache symptoms .

  13. 随机抽取4个实验组仔鼠共79只于7周龄时进行Y型迷宫负性强化法测试;

    The offspring of the 4 groups were randomly selected for Y maze or operant behavior test at the age of 7 or 10 weeks , respectively .

  14. 通过增大知识跨度,延伸思维深度,消除思维定势的负迁移,强化变式训练,才能提高解题效率。

    Through increasing knowledge span , extending thought depth , clearing up negative transference with regular psychological tendency , strengthening training for variety of chemical formula , efficiency should be increasing to solve chemical problem .

  15. 正向口碑都能弱化其对竞争品牌的负面溢出效应;而负向口碑进一步强化其负面溢出效应。

    Positive WOM can weaken its negative spillover effects , while negative WOM deepen such negative spillover effects .

  16. 现有法律规定虽然已经涉及到两性平等就业的各个方面,但是因为在实际中缺乏贯彻的手段使其不能真正发挥作用,同时,法律法规的负反馈效应进一步强化了就业中的性别歧视。

    Although the existing legal rule already involves each aspect of equal employment , it cannot play its role for lack of method to carry out . Simultaneously , the legal laws and regulations ' negative feedback effect further strengthened sex discrimination in employment .