
  • 网络Process Consultation;Process niaoutltCons
  1. 这个被称为“商业过程咨询(BPA)”的认证项目是AHIP中心为保险教育和职业发展所推出的12个项目中的最新一个。

    The Business Process Advisor ( BPA ) certificate program is the newest of12 designations offered by AHIP 's Center for Insurance Education and Professional Development .

  2. 水运工程咨询设计企业开展全过程咨询业务研究

    Study on Applying the Whole Process Consultant for Consultant and Design Enterprises of the Water Transportation

  3. 指出工程咨询业是为经济建设和工程项目的决策与实施提供全过程咨询的智力型服务行业。

    It points out that the engineering consulting industry is an intellectual service sector of supplying the whole consulting for the economic construction and the decision-making and implementation of the project .

  4. 园林景观工程全过程造价咨询服务体系

    Cost Consulting Service System for Whole Process of Garden Landscape Engineering

  5. 论学校心理咨询过程中咨询师的角色冲突

    A Study on the Roles-conflict of Consultants in Their School Psychological Counseling

  6. 全过程造价咨询业务难点解析

    Research on the Service Difficulty of the Whole Process Fabrication Cost Consultation

  7. 文献需求过程中咨询障碍的研究

    Research on Advisory Obstacles in the Course of Literature Requirements

  8. 建设工程全过程造价咨询服务内涵研究

    Study on the Attributes of Total Cost Consulting Service

  9. 化工过程节能咨询系统

    Energy-Saving Consulting System in Chemical Engineering Process

  10. 初步探讨了如何构建工程项目全过程造价咨询服务体系;

    Thirdly , the discussion of how to constitute the service system of construction consulting during the whole project duration ;

  11. 最后,对构建的全过程造价咨询服务体系进行综合评价方面提出了一些想法和见解。

    Finally , the paper puts forward some idea and advice on evaluating the constructed whole process of cost consultation service system .

  12. 随着我国工程造价咨询机构的完善和发展,全过程造价咨询服务将会越来越显示其旺盛的生命力。

    With the development and perfection of our project cost consultation constitute , the whole cost consultation service will show its strong vitality .

  13. 在充分了解企业现有管理基础的前提下,制订全过程的咨询计划,并经企业主管人士确认。

    Draw up the consulting plan for the whole process which should be signed by its supervisor after making clear the enterprise 's present management base .

  14. 全过程造价咨询服务是社会主义市场经济的产物,给规范建筑市场,规范计价行为,提高工程造价管理质量注入了活力。

    The whole process of cost consultation service is the product of socialist market economy , it puts energy into standard market construction and cost counting behavior .

  15. 设计院针对通信运营商的项目建设过程的咨询设计的项目管理尚还是处于起始探索阶段,项目管理并不完善。

    Projects for the telecommunications operator of the project construction process consulting and design of project management is still in the initial exploration stage , the project management is not perfect .

  16. 本文在对全过程造价咨询服务体系的构建的论述过程中主要从法制框架、管理体制和风险约束体制三方面进行分析。

    The paper tries to analyze three aspects including the legal frame , management system and risk-restricted system in the researching process of the whole process of constructing a cost consultation service system .

  17. 针对西林铅锌矿的工业生产流程开发了西林铅锌矿浮选过程智能咨询系统和西林锌辟矿浮选技术指标智能预测系统。

    Models of the " Intelligent Consultation System for Flotation Process of Xilin Lead Zinc Mine " and the " Intelligent Prediction System for Flotation Technical Indexes of Xilin Lead Zinc Mine " have been developed for the industrial production flow of Xilin lead Zinc Mine .

  18. 在FIDIC的合同条件下,合同履行的管理过程中,咨询工程师居于核心地位。

    Under the contract terms of FIDIC , among the management that the contract is fulfilled , consulting engineers occupy the key status .

  19. 该系统通过风险管理的一般过程和沟通咨询、监督控制,实现了PDCA的封闭循环,达到了建设项目中环境风险管理过程持续改进的效果。

    The general process of risk management , consultation , communication , supervision , and the process of controlling are also important parts of the system . This system is aimed to achieve the cycle of PDCA , improving the effort of environmental risk management .

  20. 全过程工程造价咨询业务基本内容分析

    The Analysis of Basic Work Scope of Construction Cost Management Consultant

  21. 注意:请在尝试过程中先咨询你的制造商,以确保其安全。

    Please note : it is advised to consult with your manufacturer before attempting this procedure to ensure that it is safe to proceed for your appliance .

  22. 根据我多年在软件架构和软件过程方面的咨询经验来看,只有很少的软件开发组织能够很规范的进行结构分析。

    It is my experience as a process and architecture consultant that the discipline of performing architectural analysis is not embraced by a large percentage of software development organizations .

  23. 在心理咨询与治疗过程中,咨询师经常会使用电影资料,通过与来访者对电影作品的共同讨论,帮助其修通无意识情节,并产生新的领悟。

    In psychological counseling and treatment , the counselor often discusses one or more movies with the clients to help him to enlighten the unconsciousness complex and to acquire a new insight .

  24. 预防措施包括控制哮喘的症状,向家庭说明疾病的过程和家庭咨询,并提及识别哮喘患儿有关的社会心理因素。

    The preventive measures include control of symptoms , educating the family about the asthma process and counseling , and i-dentification of patients for whom psychosocial factors may be relevant to their asthma .

  25. 但是,在发展过程中,工程咨询单位和行业面临着不少的问题。

    However , during the development , the engineering consulting firms and the industry encountered many problems .

  26. 意外的是在对治疗过程中病人和咨询医生的大脑活动分析后得出的。

    The extraordinary findings emerged from an analysis of brain activity in patients and counsellors in therapy sessions .

  27. 可能他们的上级也密切参与了这项任务,并且积极主动地参与了解决问题的过程,给予了咨询和指导。

    Most likely , their supervisor was closely involved , checking-in regularly for trouble-shooting , counseling , encouraging , etc.

  28. 这意味着他们的神经系统能够和谐运作,这种状态有助于他们了解彼此的想法和感情。这些意外的发现是在对治疗过程中病人和咨询医生的大脑活动进行分析后得出的。

    helping them to know each other 's thoughts and emotions 。 The extraordinary findings emerged from an analysis of brain activity in patients and counsellors in therapy sessions 。

  29. 目的:从历史的角度探讨精神分析中的人格理论产生、发展及变化的过程,为心理咨询的临床工作提供参考。

    AIM : To investigate the formation , development and variety of personality theory in the psychoanalysis from the historical angle to provide reference for clinical work of psychological counseling .

  30. 在工程建设市场中,需要有专业化的项目管理公司,专门承接项目管理业务,为业主和投资者提供全过程的专业化咨询和管理服务。

    It needs professional project management company to take in hand the operation of project management ( PM ), and provide cycle life professional consultation and management service in the construction market .