
  • excessive packaging;Over Package;Over Packaging
  1. 国家邮政局于4月份正式启动为期一年的过度包装专项治理,推动快递包装绿色环保。今年3月施行的《邮件快件包装管理办法》规定:

    The State Post Bureau launches a yearlong campaign this month to crack down on excessive packaging and promote more environmentally friendly package wrapping .

  2. 青蛙效应引发对过度包装的再思考

    " Frog Effect " on the Reconsideration of Excessive Packaging

  3. 物流公司应制定包装标准,培训快递员按规定进行包装,以减少浪费,避免过度包装。

    Logistics companies must draw up packaging standards and train couriers to wrap packages accordingly to reduce waste and avoid over-packaging .

  4. 本文通过设计一个发股收益与控制权收益不可兼得的治理机制,可以把IPO盈余过度包装的融资行为内生化。

    As a result , the design makes the behavior of excessive earnings management endogenous .

  5. 在设计产品缓冲包装的同时,可以通过ANSYS的优化分析模块对缓冲包装进行优化分析,以避免过度包装并节省包装成本。

    Based on these parameters , the cushion and outer packaging case of product was created . At the same time , the packaging optimization can also be fulfilled via ANSYS to avoid the over-package and save cost .

  6. 产品过度包装在中国一直是祸患。

    Over-packaging of products has long been a bane in China .

  7. IT产品过度包装及其废弃物对环境的影响

    Over Packaging of IT Products and Its Impact on the Environment

  8. 中秋节月饼:价格过高,过度包装,一切都在月亮之上

    Mid-Autumn Cakes : Overpriced , Over-packaged , and over the moon

  9. 论我国限制商品过度包装立法的完善

    Topic on Improving Legislation of Regulating Excessive Package of Merchandise in China

  10. 论过度包装治理的路径选择

    On choosing ways of solving the over packing problem

  11. 节约社会儿童玩具不应过度包装

    To save the social child toy and not to be supposed to pack excessively

  12. 拒绝垃圾油重返餐桌美丽垃圾与过度包装

    Refuse Rubbish Oil Back to the Dining Table " Beautiful Discard " and Overpacking

  13. 遏制礼品过度包装的途径

    Ways to cut the gift over - package

  14. 论过度包装的心理动因

    On the Motivation of Over - packaging

  15. 节约型社会下过度包装经济现象分析

    Analysis on Exorbitant Packaging in Economized Society

  16. 美丽垃圾与过度包装

    RUBBISH " Beautiful Discard " and Overpacking

  17. 必须采取有效的措施抵制商品的过度包装。

    Therefore , we should adopt valid method to boycott the excessive packing of merchandise .

  18. 别拿过度包装的产品。

    Avoid heavily packaged products .

  19. 解决过度包装的最好办法,便是包装的绿色之路和生态之路以及包装的法律体系的建立和完善。

    A mode of green and ecological packaging and a perfect legal system will help solve the problems .

  20. 第五部分是对兰州市治理过度包装食品的几点谏言。

    The fifth part puts forward several suggestions to the management of excessive packaging on food in Lanzhou .

  21. 把包装拿回超市,丢在收款台,不买过度包装的东西。

    Bring the packing back , dump it at the checkout , refuse to buy stuff in too much packaging .

  22. 发行上市变成了发行企业的寻租过程,过度包装甚至造假现象普遍存在。

    In fact , IPO has become a process of rent seeking , and over makeup and frauds have become a normal phenomenon .

  23. 文中分析了食品过度包装的危害,并针对过度包装的治理提出了相对应的对策。

    The jeopardy of excessive food packaging was analyzed in the paper , and the corresponding measures were then offered to the question .

  24. 主要讨论包装设计应该根据需要进行适度的定位和设计,论述过度包装的主要形式,并从环境,价值和道德几方面说明过度包装的危。

    This paper discusses that Package Design should be carried out according to the requirement and states the main kinds of excessive package .

  25. 我国目前的包装现状不能令人满意,突出表现在回收利用率低、过度包装、包装工业落后而且不平衡、包装安全存在问题等方面。

    There exist problems with the rate of renewal and reuse , over packing , under-developed and unbalanced packing industry , and packing safety .

  26. 限制和淘汰过度包装、规模以下白酒企业的发展、散装白酒的生产和销售等;

    To make limitation and elimination in lavish packing , the development of small-scale liquor enterprises , and the production and the sales of unpackaged liquor etc.

  27. 过度包装造成的资源浪费、包装废物对环境造成的白色污染等现象引起社会各界越来越关注包装和有关包装的法律法规。

    The resource wasting of excessive packaging and the White Pollution of packaging waste has caused more and more public concern on packaging and packaging law .

  28. 明月几时有,把酒问青天,一年一度的中秋佳节虽然刚刚过去,但月饼质量安全以及过度包装问题,却再次成为广大消费者关心的热点话题。

    Annual the Mid-autumn Festival has just passed by , however , the quality safety of moon cake and excessively packaging become the hot topic for consumers caring about again .

  29. 过度包装从根本上违背了循环经济的理念,不利于可持续发展和节约型社会的建设,具有诸多的现实危害性。

    Over packing is conflicted with circular economy in principle , going against sustainable development and the construction of resource-saving society , which has been doing much harm to our life .

  30. 随着经济的快速发展,商品的过度包装现象也越来越严重,而这一现象在食品的包装领域表现的尤为突出。

    With the rapid development of economy , the excessive packing of the merchandise phenomenon is also more and more serious , and food packaging field is the most outstanding performance of this phenomenon .