
  • 网络behavior of public organizations
  1. 政党整合下的官僚制行政&当代中国公共行政的组织行为分析

    The Bureaucracy Administration Integrated by the CCP & The Organizational Analysis of China Public Administration

  2. 同时,政府经济人的存在使得我们还必须采取措施矫正其对于非政府公共组织的供给行为。

    At the same time , the existence of government economic person make us adopt the measure to correct its behavior of supplying the non-governmental public organizations .

  3. 对本文分析苏州工业园区物流园的现状和问题的解决具有借签作用。第三章理论综述整理了本文所运用的相关理论如新公共管理理论、组织行为学理论和经济学理论。

    The third chapter includes all the theories used in this thesis such as New Public Management , Organizational Behavior as well as Public Economics .

  4. 行政法是调整政府行政活动的部门法,主要从公共行政的组织、行为、程序和救济等方面入手,研究法治国家下依法行政的问题。

    The science of administrative law , a department law that adjusts government administrative activities , studies problems of administration by law in law-governing countries in the aspects of organizations , behaviors , procedures and remedies of public administration .

  5. 随着我国反腐工作的进一步深入推进,公共组织中的腐败行为从一开始的直接的权钱交易,转变成了兼具伪善性、间接性、模糊性、隐蔽性、衍生性等特点的隐性腐败行为。

    With the further development of anti-corruption in our country , the traditional corruption amongst social public organizations has transformed from the direct exchange of power and money to intangible corruption which features hypocrisy , indirection , obscurity , concealment , and derivativeness .

  6. 由于对贿赂外国公职人员、国际公共组织官员行贿的行为刚入罪,相关司法解释未出台,在其认定和实际操作中还有很多问题有待解决。

    Started going to the crime of bribery of foreign public officials , public international organizations , officials of bribery , the relevant judicial interpretation is not introduced , in its identification and the actual operation there are many problems to be solved .

  7. 本文以南昌市为例,以退休干部服务管理为研究视角,运用公共管理学、组织行为学和数据统计等方法,对南昌市退休干部服务管理工作进行分析。

    Based on the case of the Senior Cadre Bureau of Nanchang Municipal Party Committee , this thesis is focusing on the analysis of the retired cadres ' management and service in Nanchang through the comprehensive methodologies of public management , organizational behavior and statistics .

  8. 在行政学理论、公共选择理论、新公共管理理论以及政府绩效、公共财政、组织行为等相关理论的指导下,对苏南基层政府职能现状进行了调查分析,剖析了面临的问题及其制度性原因。

    Guided by this theory , public choice , new public management and government level , public finance , organization action ect , it observes the basic government 's nowadays situation , and analyses its problem and its regimental reason .