
fù zhài zǒnɡ é
  • total liabilities;total indebtedness
  1. 通过营业税回归分析模型得出营业税受到负债总额、建筑业总产值、结算收入和改制四个因素的促进作用较显著。

    Through the business tax regression analysis model obtaining that the Promoting Effects of the total liabilities , the construction enterprises gross output value , project settle accounts and reform on the business tax is very significant . 3 .

  2. 负债总额与净值的利益率他们负债总计一百万英镑以上。

    Profit ratio of total liabilities and net worth Their debt amount to over 1m .

  3. 加上这笔新贷款,负债总额达到10万元。

    The new loan takes the total debt to $ 100 000 .

  4. 然而,冰岛各家银行的经济负债总额是冰岛GDP的好多倍。

    The total economic debt of the Icelandic banks , however , is many times the GDP of Iceland .

  5. 这种金称之为惊人的或有负债总额达到了英国国内生产总值(GDP)的四分之三,而美国的这一数值是GDP的两倍。

    The contingent obligations , which Mr King called breathtaking , total three-quarters of UK gross domestic product . The US figure is twice GDP .

  6. 政府、公司和家庭的负债总额与国内生产总值(GDP)之比大幅增加至240%,相当于金融危机时的两倍。

    Total debts owed by the government , companies and households have ballooned to 240 per cent of gross domestic product , virtually double the level at the time of the global financial crisis .

  7. 我们计算出财务杠杆LEV,它是非流动负债总额与总资产的比值。

    We calculate financial leverage , LEV , as the ratio of total non-current liabilities to total assets .

  8. 高收入国家居民拥有(或欠下)的国际金融资产和负债总额占累计GDP的比例,从1970年的50%,跃升至上世纪80年代中期的100%,并在2004年达到330%。

    The sum of the international financial assets and liabilities owned ( and owed ) by residents of high-income countries jumped from 50 per cent of aggregate GDP in 1970 to 100 per cent in the mid-1980s and about 330 per cent in 2004 .

  9. 他负债总额为三千元。

    His total debts are three thousand dollars .

  10. 史塔克大人,此刻王室负债总额超过六百万。

    The Crown is more than six million gold pieces in debt , Lord Stark .

  11. 负债总额对净值的比率

    Ratio of total liability to net worth

  12. 净资产是指企业的资产总额减去负债总额后的余额。

    Net assets are the difference between the amount of assets and the amount of liabilities .

  13. 从2013年9月到2014年9月,中国各类借款人的跨境负债总额增长了近40%。

    Cross-border claims on all Chinese borrowers rose almost 40 per cent from September 2013 to September 2014 .

  14. 在本文中资本结构的定义是企业负债总额与企业总资产的比例关系。

    In this paper , the definition of capital structure is the proportion between the liabilities and the whole assets .

  15. 我国公司平均现金负债总额比为32%,说明总体举债能力很强。

    Indebted amount compares average cash of our country company for32 % , explain the total capacity that raise debt is very strong .

  16. 全市各级政府负债总额达101.22亿元,在全省排列第二位,仅次于成都市;(2)对单位和个人债务比例大。

    Government at all levels liabilities amounted to 10.122 billion yuan in the province ranked second only to Chengdu ( 2 ) units and the large proportion of personal debt .

  17. 1997年至1998年的亚洲金融危机以后,它们明智地改变了外债构成,转向更稳定的资金流来源,例如外国直接投资和证券组合投资,现在这些占到新兴市场对外负债总额的60%强。

    Since the Asian crisis of 1997-98 , they have sensibly shifted the mix towards more stable flows such as foreign direct investment and portfolio equity which now account for more than 60 per cent of their total external liabilities .

  18. 调查发现企业资产总额、企业负债总额、抵押物价值、企业利润总额以及银行和企业在前期合作关系,是影响中小企业最终是否能够获得银行贷款的主要影响因素。

    According to the investigation , the total assets , total corporate liabilities , collateral value , total profit and the cooperation between banks and enterprises in the early are the major influential elements to determine whether the SMEs can obtain bank loans finally or not .

  19. 我们资产负债表总额近年来稳定增长,实际上是第一年突破三十亿英镑大关。

    Our balance sheet footings have been growing steadily over recent years and this was in fact the first year in which they passed the three billion pounds mark .

  20. 固定负债对负债总额及净值的比率

    Ratio of fixed liabilities to total liabilities and net worth

  21. 负债对资产总额比率

    Debt to total assets ratio

  22. 负债及资本净值总额周转率

    Turnover of total liabilities and net worth

  23. 而银行的资本结构也与一般公司的资本结构不一样,银行是经营货币的企业,资本金很少,负债资金占资产总额的绝大部分。

    The bank is the enterprise which overwhelming majority to operate the monetary business , capital gold is few , its debt funds occupy the property total amount .

  24. 每项负债应分别列示,之后是负债总额。

    Each liability should be listed separately , followed by a total figure for liabilities .

  25. 德阳市政府负债存在如下特点:(1)负债总额巨大且面广。

    Deyang city liabilities exist the following characteristics : ( 1 ) Total liabilities and a wide range of tremendous .

  26. 主要的比率有流动负债现金比率、到期债务现金比率,负债总额现金比率、现金流量现金股利比率等。

    The major cash ratios involve current liabilities , matured debt , aggregate liabilities , cash flow and cash divi-dend .

  27. 通过研究表明:资产负债率对银行绩效的相关性较低,创新性资产占负债总额比重与银行绩效呈显著负相关性,前十大股东持股比例和与银行绩效是显著的负相关。

    Through research showed that : asset-liability ratio on bank performance less relevant , innovative proportion of total liabilities and assets bank performance was significantly negatively correlated proportions and top ten shareholders and bank performance is significant negative correlation .