
  • 网络Debt financing;debt finance
  1. 有限责任效应、Z成本与公司负债融资决策

    Limited Liability Effect , Z Cost , and the Corporate Debt Financing Policy

  2. 城市轨道交通项目负债融资的理论及方式研究

    Theories and Mode of Debt Financing in Unban Mass Transit Project

  3. 不同负债融资来源对公司RD投资强度影响不同,相对于银行借款而言,商业信用更难以为高风险的RD投资提供资金来源;

    In the respect of the source of debt , there are more significant relationships between credit and R & D investment than that between banks'loans .

  4. 提出Z成本概念并考察了Z成本与公司负债融资决策的关系。

    In addition , the notion of Z cost is introduced and the relationships between Z costs and corporate borrowing decisions are investigated in this paper .

  5. MBO指的是管理层利用高负债融资来买断或控制本公司的股权,进而达到控制、重组公司,并获得超常收益的收购行为。

    MBO means that management buys out or dominates the stock of their own company by financing in high debts in order to control and rearrange the company with supernormal incomes .

  6. 负债融资、财务杠杆效应与产品市场竞争

    Debt financing , Financial Leverage Effect and Competition in Product Market

  7. 我国负债融资治理机制的研究

    The Research on Mechanism of Debt Financing Governance of Our Country

  8. 企业负债融资,是财务理论界一个“老生常谈”的话题。

    Enterprise indebtedness financing , a wheezy topic in financial theory .

  9. 负债融资对公司投资行为的影响研究

    Study on the Impact of Debt over Firms Investment Behavior

  10. 负债融资治理与会计信息披露关系研究

    Relationship of the Debt Financing Governance and Accounting Information Disclosure

  11. 论企业负债融资及融资风险的防范

    Discuss the Liability Financing of Enterprise and the Prevention of Financing Risk

  12. 负债融资需慎重把握资产负债率

    Cautiously Control Asset to liability Ratio while Financing in Debt

  13. 负债融资、公司治理与企业价值最大化

    Debtor Financing , Corporate Governance and Business Value Maximization

  14. 负债融资具有杠杆效应,有节税收益。

    Debt financing has leverage effect and tax benefit .

  15. 战略竞争、股权融资约束与高负债融资抉择

    Strategic Competition , Equity Financing Constraint and High Leverage

  16. 资本结构是指公司负债融资和股权融资之间的比例关系。

    Capital structure refers to the proportion of debt financing and equity financing .

  17. 负债融资是企业主要融资方式之一。

    Debt financing is one of the main modes of financing of enterprises .

  18. 全部负债融资比重高于股权融资比重。

    And total debt financing higher than equity financing .

  19. 负债融资、大股东控制与企业过度投资行为

    In-debt Financing , Major Stockholder Control , and the Firms ' Over-investment Behavior

  20. 企业负债融资的分析与策略

    Analysis of and Countermeasure to Business Debt Financing

  21. 论上市公司负债融资的作用和偿债保障机制

    Discussions on the Function of Debt Financing and the Security System of Debt Service

  22. 高校负债融资风险及其评价方法研究

    Research on Risk of Debt Financing to Colleges & Universities and It 's Evaluating

  23. 正是以上这些原因导致了我国负债融资治理效应的弱化。

    Above reasons have eventually led to weaken the efficiency of debt financing governance .

  24. 负债融资和公司治理存在互动关系,两者均会对企业价值产生影响。

    Through their interaction , debtor financing and corporate governance both affect business value .

  25. 负债融资对企业投资行为影响研究:述评与展望

    The Relationship Between Debt Financing and Investment Behavior

  26. 负债融资与公司价值的关联性分析

    Relation analysis between liability financing and business value

  27. 企业负债融资分析

    An Analysis of Debt Financing of Corporations

  28. 负债融资与企业投资决策:破产风险视角的互动关系研究

    Interaction Relationships of Debt Financing and Corporate Investment : On the View of Bankruptcy Risk

  29. 因此,具体分析上市公司负债融资与投资行为的关系具有重大的意义。

    Therefore , the analysis of financing and investment behavior of enterprises is of great significance .

  30. 因此研究负债融资对提高公司绩效的影响显得十分重要。

    Therefore , debt financing study about its impact of improving corporate performance is very important .