
  • 网络antispyware;SPYWARE;anti-spyware;Spyware Doctor;Windows AntiSpyware
  1. 另外,还有一些其他的免费的反间谍软件程序可用。

    Alternatively , there are other free anti-spyware software programs available .

  2. 该解决方案是一个反间谍软件,防病毒和反恶意软件组件的综合包。

    The solution is a consolidated package of anti-spyware , anti-virus and anti-malware components .

  3. 桌面防病毒软件(90%)、反间谍软件((56%)、个人防火墙(49%)和VPN客户(49%)仍然是被受访企业采用最多的终端应用。

    Desktop antivirus ( 90 % ), antispyware ( 56 % ), personal firewalls ( 49 % ) and VPN clients ( 49 % ) remain the leading endpoint applications already deployed within the organizations surveyed .

  4. 运行一两款反间谍软件。

    Run one or two anti-spyware applications .

  5. 间谍软件和反间谍软件的分析与研究

    Analysis and Research of Spyware & Anti-spyware

  6. 运行防病毒软件或反间谍软件扫描,一旦发现一些异常的项目立即清除。

    Operate the anti-virus software or counter-espionage software scanning , once find some unusual projects are removed immediately .

  7. 为了提供多个、重复的和相互支持的保护,你还应该部署入侵探测、杀毒和反间谍软件系统。

    In order to provide multiple , overlapping , and mutually supportive protection , you should also deploy intrusion detection , antivirus and antispyware systems .

  8. 我认为避免这种麻烦缠身的一种方法显然就是用防病毒软件和反间谍软件随时更新你的电脑,而且不要点击弹出式广告。

    I suppose one way to avoid yourself getting into this kind of trouble is obviously to keep your computer upgraded with anti-virus and anti-spyware stuff but also just don 't open those pop-up ads.

  9. 对个人用户而言,我们建议大家使用可靠的杀毒和反间谍软件,安装操作系统的补丁并升级网络浏览器。

    In terms of individual users , we would advise people to deploy reputable anti-virus and anti-spyware programs on their computers , to install patches for their operating systems and to update their web browsers .

  10. 一些更巧妙的软件版本在没有反病毒或反间谍软件工具,工具间谍软件如AD-Aware或SpySweeper标记他们的情况下可以操纵。

    Some of the more clever software versions can even operate without antivirus or antispyware tools , such as AD-Aware or Spy Sweeper , flagging them .

  11. 有很多的反病毒,反间谍软件和反拨号软件产品,但只有少数人能索赔提供有效的保护,从所有类型的恶意软件。

    There are many anti-virus , anti-spyware and anti-dialer software products but only a few of them can claim to provide effective protection from all types of Malware .