
  • 网络Adware;spyware;Adware.XXX;ad-ware
  1. 广告软件和间谍软件的危害与防治

    The Harm of Adware and Spyware and Its Countermeasure

  2. 像间谍软件和广告软件这种完全不同的团体,它们主要是窃取信息,或用垃圾邮件进行骚扰。

    Some are entirely different groups like Spyware and Adware , which are designed to steal your information or annoy you with spam .

  3. 检测和删除干扰设备,如间谍软件,广告软件,键盘记录程序,木马和其他黑客和跟踪工具在您的PC。

    Detect and remove intrusive devices such as spyware , adware , keyloggers , Trojans , and other hacker and tracking tools on your PC.

  4. TubeMogul是一家视频广告软件公司,从首次公开发行(IPO)中筹到了7500万美元资金。

    The video advertising software company is aiming to raise $ 75m in its initial public offering .

  5. 你应该有过这样的遭遇,就是电脑感染上了间谍软件或广告软件。

    The computer is infected with spy 's software or advertising software .

  6. 一些带广告软件的软件,一旦移除这些软件,广告程序也被移除。

    Some software that comes with ad-ware will remove it once you remove the software .

  7. 该进程是一个广告软件,会占用大量的系统资源。

    This process is an adware and is know for using large amount of system resources .

  8. 脸书还收购了位置分享服务、广告软件以及其他社交媒体订阅,包括ConnectU。

    Facebook has also purchased location sharing services , advertising software , and other social media feeds including ConnectU .

  9. 这些低成本或免费的软件应用程序可能会捆绑间谍软件,广告软件或类似的系统警告。

    These low-cost or free software applications may come bundled with spyware , adware , or programs like System Warning .

  10. 这项申请是最有可能下载并安装由另一应用程序已被视为广告软件或间谍软件。

    This application is most likely downloaded and installed by another application that is considered to be adware or spyware .

  11. 但它在第一次迭代中似乎是面向广告软件的,并且在趋势科技上个月发现它之前一直非常活跃。

    But it appears to be adware-oriented in its first iteration and hasn 't been very active until Trend Micro noticed it last month .

  12. 分析家发现,微软发现自己处在一场提高搜索算法及在线广告软件战役中,这并不够。

    Microsoft , analysts say , finds itself in a battle where improving its search algorithms and online ad software is not going to be enough .

  13. 很多人考虑计算机网络所面临的危险时会想到病毒、木马,但往往忽略了广告软件和间谍软件的作用。

    Many people consider the computer network of the danger faced would have thought that viruses , Trojans , but often overlooked spyware and adware role .

  14. 流传最广泛的是艾德思奇广告软件公司首席执行长唐朝晖上周五上传至微博的照片。

    The most popular image , posted to Weibo on Friday by Tang Chaohui , the CEO of an advertising software company called adSage , shows Mr.

  15. 这时,你可疑检查所有被确认为恶意病毒的选项,或者与已知的间谍软件和广告软件有关的选项。

    At this moment , you suspicious to check all confirm as into to select hostile virus , or a related to known spy 's software and advertising software one select .

  16. 当前,不断升级的病毒、木马、间谍软件、广告软件等恶意代码对广大企业和个人用户造成了极大的不便和安全困扰,其危害是有目共睹的。

    Currently , malicious-code such as virus , Trojan Horse , Spyware and Adware is updating continually , which brings huge inconvenience and security problem to a great many corporations and individual users , and its harm is obvious to all .

  17. 目前在互联网上泛滥的各种病毒,木马,蠕虫,广告软件等等都是恶意软件,而现如今的恶意软件可能会兼具多种类别特征,令安全软件难以检测,造成更大的危害。

    A variety of virus , Trojan horse , worm and adware that belong to malware are overflowing on the Internet . The malware now have many different class features to make the security software lose effect . This situation caused enormously damage to our life .

  18. 一系列初创企业——包括Sourcepoint和SecretMedia——现在均面向出版商提供规避广告拦截软件的方案。

    A flurry of start-ups - including Sourcepoint and Secret Media - now offer publishers ways to circumvent ad-blocking software .

  19. adblocker,名词,指能屏蔽网页广告的软件。

    A piece of software designed to prevent advertisements from appearing on a web page .

  20. 3月份,那些访问《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)网站时使用广告拦截软件的人们看到了这样一则消息:“生活中最美好的事物都不是免费的”。

    People using ad-blocking software who visited the The New York Times website in March were shown a message . This read : " The best things in life aren 't free . "

  21. 该种方法可应用于软件运行状态监控、IE广告过滤软件助手制作等领域。

    This method can be applied in monitoring the state of software operation , software assistance of IE advertisement filter .

  22. Sourcepoint的首席执行官本•巴罗卡斯(BenBarokas)预言,到2020年多数出版商将采用某种规避广告拦截软件的技术。

    Ben Barokas , chief executive of Sourcepoint , predicts that most publishers will have adopted some kind of technology to circumvent ad blockers by 2020 .

  23. 然而,PageFair的首席执行官西恩•布兰奇菲尔德(SeanBlanchfield)认为,对于如何运用规避广告拦截软件的技术,出版者需格外谨慎。

    However , Sean Blanchfield , chief executive of PageFair , argues that publishers need to exercise care in how they use ad-blocker circumvention technology .

  24. 当伊什梅尔哈瓦拉(ishmaelchawla)在新德里登广告招聘软件开发人员时,他做好了受挫的准备。

    When Ishmael Chawla advertises for software developers in New Delhi , he braces himself for rejection .

  25. 谷歌(Google)、亚马逊(Amazon)、微软(Microsoft)和Taboola悄悄地付给世界最热门在线广告屏蔽软件AdblockPlus背后的德国初创企业一笔钱,换取后者不再屏幕它们网站上的广告。

    Google , Amazon , Microsoft and Taboola have quietly paid the German start-up behind Adblock Plus , the world 's most popular software for blocking online advertising , to stop blocking ads on their sites .

  26. 等它发布以后,你只需下载一个广告拦截软件,就可以在iPhone的Safari浏览器上屏蔽广告了,也许还适用于能打开网络链接的其他应用。

    when it 's out , you 'll simply download an ad blocker and no longer have to see ads on the iPhone 's version of Safari and possibly in other apps that open web links .

  27. 嵌入式媒体广告终端软件系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Software System on Embeded Media Advertisement Terminal

  28. 目前,广告屏蔽软件大多只能安装在电脑上。

    Today ad-blocking is mostly restricted to desktop web browsers .

  29. 向安装广告拦截软件的用户展示广告,这听起来也有点像发垃圾邮件。

    Showing ads to people who have downloaded ad blockers sounds a little spammy .

  30. 经过多年的发展,已经推出了一些媒体广告终端软件系统。

    After many years of development , there were some software systems of media ad teminal .