
  • Advertising Creative
  1. 商业广告创意是广告业的生存与发展的独特属性。

    Commercial advertising creative advertising industry , survival and development of unique attributes .

  2. 因此现代广告创意与中国传统文化是相互促进的。

    Thus the modern advertising creative and traditional Chinese culture are mutually reinforcing .

  3. 他将和许多广告创意人员一起参加在萨奇画廊举行的画展。

    Along with scores of other advertising creatives , he will be taking part in an exhibition at the Saatchi gallery .

  4. 我感觉自己像是加入了黑客帝国(theMatrix),某位广告创意人员诙谐地说。他这里指的是那部深受许多程序员喜爱的电影。

    I feel like I am joining the Matrix , one of the creatives quips , referring to the films beloved of many programmers .

  5. 本文以宝洁公司洗洁品广告创意及销售业绩为典型范例,分析节USP理论的应用价值和继续发展的空间。

    The author analyses the functional value and the continuous development leeyway of USP theory with the help of the typical examples of P & G companys advertisement originality and its sales achievement .

  6. 独特广告创意背后的文案表现实质

    The Nature of the Letter Expression Behind the Innovation of Advertisement

  7. 感性诉求广告创意的新思维

    New thinking on the creative idea of ads of sentimental appeals

  8. 广告创意的本质属性是思维,没有人脑的思维,就没有广告创意。

    The essential attribute of the advertising creativity is the thought .

  9. 创意和主义内涵与追求:广告创意中的传统文化

    Seeking Traditional Meaning in Advertisement Making Creativity The Pursuit of Harmony

  10. 浅析人文关怀在商业广告创意中的运用

    The Application of Humanity Concern in the Creation of Commercial Advertisements

  11. 中国视觉元素在现代广告创意中的运用研究

    The Application of Chinese Visual Elements to Modern Advertisements ' Design

  12. 广告创意课程循环式教学模式研究初探

    The Exploration of Circular Teaching Method in the Course of Advertising Design

  13. 广告创意时运用的两种基本思维方式。

    And what kind of the role does creativity play in advertisements ?

  14. 这一点正是平面广告创意活动的关键所在。

    It is the key of the originality of the planar advertisement .

  15. 广告创意过程是一种复杂的思维过程,同时它与民族文化密切相关。

    The process of the ad creation is a quite complicated thinking ;

  16. 我是说广告创意非常好。

    I mean the idea of it is very creative .

  17. 论现代广告创意设计的间接表现策略

    On the Indirect Strategy of Expression in the Design of Modern Advertising

  18. 艺术系统视野下的现代广告创意美研究

    The Research on Modern Advertising Originality Based on the Artistic Vision System

  19. 目前,广告创意的分类已有多种。

    Presently , there is a variety of classification of the advertisements .

  20. 论广告创意思维的非线性特征

    Non - line Characteristic of Creativity Thought in The Advertises

  21. 广告创意集中体现了广告创作者的智慧。

    The creative ideas in the advertisements reflect the wisdom of copywriters .

  22. 禁区广告创意策略及方法研究

    The Creativity Strategy And Method Of Advertising on " Forbidden Zone "

  23. 电视商业广告创意中的体育元素分析

    Analysis of Sport Elements in Commercial Advertizing Creativity on Television

  24. 从广州日报杯看我国平面广告创意的提升

    Beholding the progress Of Chinese plane Ad Creation from Guangzhou Daily Cup

  25. 广告创意批评存在的问题及其标准体系的构建

    The Problems in Advertising Originality Criticism and Construction of Its Standard System

  26. 后现代主义思潮对我国广告创意的影响

    Influence of Postmodernism Trends on the Advertising Originality in China

  27. 寻求人性诉求是现代广告创意制胜的法宝。

    To seek humanization expression is a successful trump for mod-em advertising originality .

  28. 论商业广告创意与销售的关系

    The Relation between Advertising Originality and Selling business vision

  29. 广告创意人胜任力特征的实证研究

    The Confirmative Study on Competency Character of AD Creatives

  30. 广告创意教学过程中发散性思维的探讨

    Divergent Thinking over the Teaching of Originality in Advertisement