
  • 网络advertising literacy
  1. 媒介融合背景下广告素养教育的兴起

    On the Rising of Advertising Literacy Education under the Media Convergence

  2. 论如何提高儿童的广告素养

    On How to Enhance the Children 's Advertising Literacy

  3. 广告素养概念来源于媒介素养。笔者认为广告素养的培养对3-12岁人群来说甚至更为重要。

    This dissertation will focus on the cultivation of advertising literacy of the group aged 3-12.The concept of advertising literacy is rooted in media literacy . According to the author , advertising literacy is even more important for children .

  4. 论广告符号化时代下中国儿童的广告素养教育

    The Advertising Literacy Education of Chinese Children in the Symbolized Advertising Era

  5. 在宏观层面上,追溯广告符号学研究的发展历程,认为跨文化广告符号研究系统大体上可以划分为三大板块:广告文本分析、广告的意识形态观和广告符号素养研究。

    At the macro level , it traces the history of the study of semiotics , dividing the study system of cross-cultural advertising semiotic into three parts : analysis on advertising text , the ideology of advertising and study on the literacy of advertising semiotic .