
  1. 这项研究由美国全国广告商协会(AssociationofNationalAdvertisers,简称ANA)与广告欺诈侦探所WhiteOps共同开展。ANA旗下成员每年用于市场营销的开支超过2500亿美元。

    The Association of National Advertisers , whose members spend more than $ 250bn on marketing each year , conducted the study with White Ops , an ad fraud detection company .

  2. 广告欺诈的社会原因探析

    Exploration into the Social Causes of Advertising Cheat

  3. 论广告欺诈的防治对策

    Countermeasures against Cheating in Advertisement

  4. 斯皮策办公室认为公司的这些说法违反了纽约州的广告欺诈法和商业法。

    Spitzer 's office maintains that these and other claims made by the company violate the state 's false advertising and general business laws .

  5. 应该认为,只要行为人主观上具有欺诈的故意,有欺诈目的,客观上实施了广告欺诈行为,并可能使消费者形成错误的消费决策,便可以构成广告欺诈行为。

    In my opinion , the four elements theory is still open to question , and fraudulent advertising action is constituted only when and if an actor has fraudulent intention and purpose and has executed actual fraudulent action , and consuming decision .

  6. 要有效地遏制广告欺诈行为,必须加强广告法治建设,做到立法完善,执法严明,一切组织和个人都遵守法律。

    In order to prevent cheating in advertisement effectively , it is obligatory to strengthen the construction of law in advertisement so as to perfect legislation and to be strict and impartial in executing the law as far as whoever is concerned .

  7. 此举有利于该公司甄别在线广告中的欺诈行为。犯罪分子会利用网络机器人登记虚假购买兴趣,或者在自动在线拍卖中推高价格。

    It helps identify fraud in online advertising , whereby criminals register false interest using bots or drive up prices in automated online auctions .

  8. 网络广告中,点击欺诈愈演愈烈,使得搜索引擎企业以及点击付费模式遭到质疑。

    The search engine companies and pay-per-click model have been questioned because of click fraud intensified in online advertising .

  9. 再次,网络广告中虚假广告与欺诈现象普遍,已经严重侵害了电子商务消费者的权益,运用法律手段来搞好网络广告的管理工作已经刻不容缓。

    Thirdly , the phenomenon of false advertisements and cheating , are populous in network advertisements , which have infringed the rights and interests of Electronic Commerce Consumers severely , so it 's urgent to manage network advertisements in legal way .

  10. 一项对数字广告犯罪行为迄今最大规模的研究表明,明年,使用机器人观看广告的欺诈行为,会给广告商带来60亿美元损失。

    Marketers will lose $ 6bn next year to fraudsters who are using networks of robots to exploit the online advertising industry , according to the largest study to date of digital ad crime .