
  • 网络capital supply
  1. 关于国有商业银行履行资本供给职能的探讨

    Researching on the Capital Supply Function of the National Commercial Banks

  2. 在此基础上,研究了国外风险投资的资本供给情况。

    Secondly , I develop a research on the capital supply of foreign countries .

  3. 浅论我国风险资本供给结构的优化

    On Optimizing the Supply Structure of China Risk Capitals

  4. 企业家人力资本供给研究

    A Research on the Supply of Entrepreneurial Human Capital

  5. 在企业持续成长过程中,企业家人力资本供给具有决定性作用。

    In the growth of the enterprise , the entrepreneur human capital supplies play a decisive role .

  6. 但是,流动性约束和预防性储蓄等不完全市场因素的存在使得资本供给曲线显著向右移动,导致储蓄增高。

    But the liquidity constraints and uncertainty make the supply curve rightward shift , and result in larger saving .

  7. 风险投资家与风险资本供给者之间、风险企业家与风险投资家之间的双重代理关系导致了严重的道德风险。

    The proxy relationship between venture investor and venture entrepreneur or between venture investor and supplier of capital causes great moral hazard .

  8. 得出的结论是,上海中小企业的融资渠道狭窄、现有的资本供给远不能满足融资需求。

    To conclude , the financing channels for SEMs in Shanghai are narrow , and the current supply of capital cannot meet the needs .

  9. 众所周知,在投资的基准模型中,企业面临具有完全弹性的资本供给并能无成本的调整自己的资本存量。

    It is well known that in the baseline model firms face a perfectly elastic supply of capital goods and can adjust their capital stocks costlessly .

  10. 外资的进入增加了资本供给、促进了技术开发、提高了生产效率,有力地推动了我国经济的发展。

    The reception of FDI has increased the capital supplies , promoted the technical research , enhanced the production efficiency and powerfully impelled our country economy development .

  11. 为了鼓励企业家不断提高其人力资本供给水平,从而改善国有企业绩效,国有企业曾采用过承包经营责任制、年薪制等激励制度。

    In order to encourage the human resource-providing efficiency and improve the performance of state-owned enterprises , many different kinds of incentive systems have been worked out .

  12. 从长期看,欧元也将通过促进技术创新、资本供给和创造劳动就业而增强欧洲长期经济增长潜力。

    In the meantime , it could promote the potential of long term economic growth in Europe by pushing forward technique innovation , strengthening capital supply and employment .

  13. 文章基于对苏浙皖企业家经营实践与心路历程的实地调研,对这种人力资本供给的机理做了理论分析与实际论证。

    The management practices and mind experiences of the entrepreneurs in Jiangsu , Zhejiang and Anhui provinces give an empirical demonstration to the supply mechanism of this kind of human capital .

  14. 人力资本供给短缺是制约西部发展最大的瓶颈,人力资本投资是西部大开发的新的战略选择。

    The shortage of Human Capital supply is the bottleneck , which restricts the development of the west . The investment of human capital is a new strategic Selection in the west development .

  15. 企业家人力资本供给,有特定内涵与需求,并在特定方向与条件约束下形成具体的供给空间。

    The supply of entrepreneurial human capital has its own special connotations and demand . Under the restriction of special direction and condition , the supply of entrepreneurial human capital forms concrete space .

  16. 机构投资者在新兴企业资本供给、市场稳定、金融和制度创新、交易系统现代化、社会保障系统改革等方面有着积极的作用。

    The institutional investors are playing an active role in capital supply for newly-emerged enterprises , market stability , financial and system innovation , dealing system modernization and social security system reform , etc.

  17. 人力资本供给曲线和其它资本、商品供给曲线一样向右上方倾斜,它表达着这样一个规律:人力资本的供给数量随人力资本价格提高而增长,价格降低而减少。

    The supply curve of human capital tells people the rule : with the rising of price of human capital the supplying quantity of human capital will increase , on the contrary , the price drops the supply falls .

  18. 从资本供给者和需求者的多样化出发,资本市场必定通过细分来最大限度、高效率地实现供求均衡才能体现其效率和功能,要达到这样的目的,多层次的资本市场也就成为必然。

    Considering the diversification of suppliers and demanders , the supply-demand equilibrium of the capital market must be achieved by subdivision . Thus , the multi-hierarchy capital market is in great need in order to fully exert the efficiency and effect of the capital market .

  19. 企业家人力资本供给,受企业家定位前人力资本原始积累的基本影响,但取决于企业家定位中与定位后人力资本持续变动的有机构成。

    The supply of entrepreneurial human capital is influenced by the original accumulation of entrepreneurial human capital before the entrepreneurs are oriented . But it depends on the organic compositions of the continued change of entrepreneurial human capital during the periods of ' in-orientation ' and ' after-orientation ' .

  20. 生育率下降与经济发展内生性要素的形成&兼论中国人力资本投资供给的制度性短缺

    Fertility Decline and the Shaping of the Endogenous Force of Economic Development

  21. 同时,收入差距和公共财政政策都会影响到人力资本投资供给曲线的变动。

    On the other hand , income differences and public financial policies could affect the supply .

  22. 人力资本有效供给不足已成为制约西部大开发的重要因素。

    The insufficient supply of manpower resources has become the important aspect restricting the development of the west .

  23. 但在计算了未来15~20年资源环境、资本等供给因素的制约瓶颈后,发现如果按现有路径发展下去,要素资源很难支撑未来经济8%以上的增长。

    But given the supply of resources and environmental factors , it is difficult to support the future growth of more than 8 % .

  24. 论文还指出,企业的规模是影响企业社会资本均衡供给水平的重要因素之一。

    The research indicates that the scale of firm is one of the important factors influencing the equilibrium supply level of corporate social capital .

  25. 尤其是在我国对股票市场股权资本的供给实行数量控制的情况下,股票市场提供的股本资源已成为&种稀缺资源。

    Because supply of equity capital is still under control , equity capital in the stock market of China becomes a kind of scarce resource .

  26. 中国应该改变对创业资本直接供给的支持方式,通过制定统一的、概念明确的、条理明晰的资本利得税收政策,来激励创业资本的发展。

    The Chinese government should change its mode of direct venture capital support arid promote venture capital growth by establishing a uniform and relatively specific capital gains tax system .

  27. 另外,文章又从新的视角研究道德资本的供给途径和实现方式,旨在提高企业对社会责任承担的可操作性和有效性,弥补现有研究的不足。

    In addition , this article research ethic the supply of capital means and ways from the new perspective to improve corporate social responsibility operability and effectiveness to make up for deficiencies .

  28. 为保证今后社会、经济健康持续发展中国必须考虑资源、环境等自然资本的供给与需求状况以期量入为出。

    To ensure sustainable development in social and economic aspects , China has to pay more attention to preservation and protection of natural capitals such as resource , environment and proportion the expenses to the receipts .

  29. 企业大学的异军突起并风靡全球,使公司这个传统的物质财富创造者日益变成劳动力的教育者或智力资本的供给者。

    Corporate university busted out and has been getting more popular across the world . That enables the corporations , traditionally substance wealth creator , becoming the major education base of the workers and intelligence capital provider .

  30. 摘要近年来,农村资本的供给与需求之间存在着较大缺口,农村金融机构处于卖方垄断地位,这使农村民间借贷非常活跃。

    In recent years , owing to the existence of the big gap between supply and demand in the countryside , rural financial institution is in the monopoly situation of selling party , which enlivens the non-government loan .