- 网络ineffective supply

The former leads to overproduction of effective demand insufficiency , while the latter causes overproduction of ineffective supply .
The basic reason why inadequate effective demand in our country now restricts economic growth is that ineffective supply is excessive while effective supply is not enough .
Repeat publishing , following publishing etc. are the main reasons .
The ineffective oversupply deduces the effective demand and the effective supply increases the effective demand .
Economic crisis is the child of market economy , it is invalid overstock character actually , significant demand is insufficient .
The key to contain the growth of our expenditure is the insufficient effective supply and the excessive ineffective supply , but not the insufficient demand .
Unreasonable duplicate construction , high price of commodities , fake quality of commodities and the insufficiency of the capability of enterprise technology innovation are the main reasons of ineffective supply .
Ineffective supply is the part of aggregate supply which exceeds the effective supply , and there are two types of ineffective supply : ineffective supply I of effective demand insufficiency and ineffective supply ⅱ of excessive supply .
Most of Chinese major cities have plunged into a situation of " providing ineffective transport supply for disordered transport demand ," which leads to urban traffic problems , such as traffic congestion , traffic accidents and so on .