
  • 网络ineffective supply
  1. 前者导致有效需求不足性生产过剩,后者导致无效供给性生产过剩。

    The former leads to overproduction of effective demand insufficiency , while the latter causes overproduction of ineffective supply .

  2. 目前国内有效需求不足制约经济增长的根源在于无效供给过剩,有效供给不足。

    The basic reason why inadequate effective demand in our country now restricts economic growth is that ineffective supply is excessive while effective supply is not enough .

  3. 现存的重复出版、跟风出版等等都是导致大量无效供给存在的原因。

    Repeat publishing , following publishing etc. are the main reasons .

  4. 无效供给的增多会抑制有效需求,有效供给的增多则会创造出更多的有效需求。

    The ineffective oversupply deduces the effective demand and the effective supply increases the effective demand .

  5. 经济危机是市场经济的产物,其实质是无效供给过多,有效需求不足。

    Economic crisis is the child of market economy , it is invalid overstock character actually , significant demand is insufficient .

  6. :目前制约我国消费增长的关键是有效供给不足、无效供给过剩。

    The key to contain the growth of our expenditure is the insufficient effective supply and the excessive ineffective supply , but not the insufficient demand .

  7. 不合理的重复建设、商品价格过高、商品品质伪劣及企业技术创新能力不足是造成我国无效供给过多的主要原因。

    Unreasonable duplicate construction , high price of commodities , fake quality of commodities and the insufficiency of the capability of enterprise technology innovation are the main reasons of ineffective supply .

  8. 无效供给是指总供给中超过有效供给的那部分供给,它包括有效需求不足型的无效供给I和供给过多型的无效供给Ⅱ两种类型。

    Ineffective supply is the part of aggregate supply which exceeds the effective supply , and there are two types of ineffective supply : ineffective supply I of effective demand insufficiency and ineffective supply ⅱ of excessive supply .

  9. 我国多数城市存在着无效的交通供给和无序的交通需求的局面,引发了交通拥挤、交通事故等城市交通问题。

    Most of Chinese major cities have plunged into a situation of " providing ineffective transport supply for disordered transport demand ," which leads to urban traffic problems , such as traffic congestion , traffic accidents and so on .