
  • 网络Fund Manager;Money Manager;Treasury Manager
  1. 由于资金经理通常会针对股价暴跌寻求保护,因此Vix被视为衡量投资者担忧程度的衡量标准。

    As money managers typically seek protection against sharp share declines , the Vix is considered a gauge of how fearful investors are .

  2. 而和我们不同的是,资金经理们则在考察现今有价证券的特性并打算预测其将来的走势。

    In contrast , money managers examine the current attributes of securities and attempt to predict their future performance ;

  3. 他认为,收费结构也有助于保持以客观的方式去选择指数还是积极管理,一位资金经理还是另一位资金经理。

    He believes the fee structure also helps to maintain an objective approach in choosing indices or active management or one manager versus another .

  4. 一个商学院学位对一个年轻的资金经理或咨询师的成长很重要,同样,一个年长睿智、经验丰富的职业老手传授的经验也是无可取代的。

    As important as a degree from a business school can be to the education of a young money manager or advisor , there 's nothing quite like the lessons imparted by an older , wiser , more experienced professional .

  5. 1987年10月的事件令那些管理大量资金的经理变得冷静了许多。

    The events of October 1987 had a sobering effect on managers of large funds .

  6. 资金被经理和会计贪污了。

    The funds had been expropriated by the manager and the accountant .

  7. 这两个国际金融机构内的精英人士将枯燥乏味的经济数据转化为衍生金融证券,这样,股票资金管理经理们就可以通过这个工具做基金风险控制管理了;

    The ingenuity of the people from these two global financial institutions have turned these mundane monthly statistics into something where portfolio managers may use to hedge against surprises ;

  8. 它们给那些在更大机构会被交付给自动电话服务地狱的顾客们提供资金和高级经理。

    They provide funds and senior managers to customers that may be relegated to automated phone-hell at bigger institutions .

  9. 近年来基金业发展迅速,随着基金经理管理着越来越庞大的资金,基金经理与基金投资者间的委托代理关系也越来越明显。

    The fund industry development is quick in recent years , along with the fund manager manage a more and more huge asset , the principle agent relationship between the fund manager and the fund investor becomes obvious .

  10. 但就整个行业来说,亚洲对冲基金要想获得切实发展,并吸引稳定的资金配置,基金经理必须证明,自己能够提供始终跑赢市场的回报率。

    But if the Asian industry as a whole is to grow meaningfully and attract stable allocations of capital from investors , fund managers will need to prove they can provide returns that consistently outperform the market .

  11. 该基金总额将高达一兆,但最开始只投入一半,主要是利用私人资金和私人资产经理为证券建立市场价值。

    The fund may reach one trillion dollars in financing , but start with half that . The idea is to use private capital and private asset managers to help set a market value for the securities .

  12. 此外,正因为私人银行和私人投资者在危机期间从对冲基金撤回了那么多的资金,许多基金经理现在才不愿接受太多这类他们眼中的“热钱”。

    Moreover , precisely because private banks and private clients pulled so much money from hedge funds during the crisis , many managers are reluctant to take too much of what they consider to be " hot money " .