
  • 网络compensation principle;Indemnity;The Principle of Indemnity
  1. 海上保险法补偿原则及其在当代的新发展

    On the Principle of Indemnity of Marine Insurance Law and Its New Trends in Modern Times

  2. 作为保险制度的理论基础,损失补偿原则具有防范道德风险,避免不当得利的社会效应。

    As basic theory of insurance system , principle of indemnity can prevent moral hazard and avoid unjust enrichment .

  3. 根据补偿原则,采用电容等效乘法电路,设计了一种应用于峰值电流升压型PWM变换器的内部补偿网络。

    Adopting the equivalent capacitance multiplicative circuit , design an internal-compensation network applied in peak-current step-up PWM converter with the compensation principle .

  4. 首先给出了RBF网络的学习算法,然后根据全补偿原则设计了神经网络补偿姿态控制方案,最后结合某型卫星的姿态控制系统设计实例,进行了数学仿真。

    At first , we presents the learning algorithms of RBF NN , then designed NN compensation based attitude control scheme according to full-compensation principle . Finally , numerical simulation is presented for a certain satellite .

  5. B.民法中的公平原则与保险法中的损失补偿原则是奠定保险代位求偿权制度的两大基石;保险人依法可向负有民事赔偿责任的第三者请求赔偿。

    The insurer can claim damages from the third party of civil liability . B. The fair principle in civil law and the damage compensation principle in insurance law lay good foundations for the system of the right .

  6. 几乎所有的宪政国家都坚持公平补偿原则。

    Almost every democratic constitutional country formulates the principle of fair compensation .

  7. 论人体肾脏捐献中的合理补偿原则

    Research on the Principle of Rational Compensation in Human 's renal Transplantation

  8. 最后,保险代位是对损失补偿原则的贯彻。

    Finally , it is the embodiment of indemnity principle .

  9. 第三部分对损失补偿原则所派生出的保险代位作了介绍。保险代位可以分为权利代位和物上代位。

    Part three explores the right of subrogation and abandonment .

  10. 网络条件下图书馆资源共享的成本核算及补偿原则

    Cost Accounting and Compensation Principles of Library Resources Sharing in the Network Environment

  11. 论公益征收的补偿原则

    On the Compensating Principle of Public Interests Collection

  12. 保险损害补偿原则研究&兼论我国保险合同立法分类之重构

    A Research on the Doctrine of Insurance Damage

  13. 笔者了解到,在保险案件中,有很大一部分案例涉及到损失补偿原则,而其中涉及到该原则是否适用于人身保险这一问题的也不为少数。

    The author has known that there is much insurance case about the principle of compensation .

  14. 公平补偿原则是土地征收法律制度的基本原则。

    The principle of fair compensation is a basic principle in the land expropriation legal system .

  15. 第二部分是关于公平补偿原则的释义。

    Part II is concerned with the interpretation of the principle of fair compensation in land expropriation .

  16. 在这一部分还对公平补偿原则的价值及功能作了分析。

    The value and the function of the fair compensation principle are also analyzed in this part .

  17. 事实上,损害补偿原则即是这些问题的中心。

    In fact , the principle of compensation for the damage is the core of all these questions .

  18. 第三部分是关于公平补偿原则下土地征收法律制度应当如何设计。

    Part III is concerned with how to design the land expropriation systems under the principle of fair compensation .

  19. 在法律规范含义模糊不清时,公平补偿原则可以作为法律解释的基准。

    In the ambiguities of legal norms , the principle of fair compensation is the benchmark of the legal interpretation .

  20. 损失补偿原则是海上保险法的基本原则之一,是贯穿整个海上保险法的灵魂。

    Principle of indemnity is the foremost principle of marine insurance law which threads through the whole marine insurance legal system .

  21. 代位追偿原则是保险补偿原则的派生原则之一,在众多保险原则之中占有比较重要的地位,该原则体现了禁止得利这一保险的核心内容。

    The substitution-claim principle which takes an important place in insurance principles is one of the derivatives of insurance compensation principle .

  22. 教育公平包含教育资源配置的三种合理性原则,即平等原则、差异原则和补偿原则。

    Educational equity contains three rational principles of educational resources allocation , namely equality principle , difference principle and compensation principle .

  23. 商业医疗保险合同中引发的纠纷,目前的主要争论焦点在于商业医疗保险是否适用损失补偿原则和是否享有代位追偿权。

    Recently , most disputes caused by commercial health insurance contracts come from the application of principle of indemnity and subrogation .

  24. 提出了无功补偿原则:静态优化、无功功率分层、分区就地平衡。

    The principle of reactive compensation is presents static state optimization , reactive power delamination , area balance on the spot .

  25. 通过以上研究,本文认为,损失补偿原则是海上保险合同的首要原则。

    Based on above researches , this paper argues that principle of indemnity is the foremost principle of marine insurance law .

  26. 保险因其补偿性而生,损失补偿原则是保险法最基本的原则之一。

    The principle of compensation is one of the most basic principles of insurance law , the insurance exist due to compensatory .

  27. 开发性移民法律原则包括:国家干预原则、合理公平补偿原则、开发原则、利益兼顾原则、可持续发展原则等。

    The principles include that of state 's interference , of considering the benefits of state and individual , of sustainable development .

  28. 如果从损害补偿原则的角度来看保险利益的主体问题,将可解决现行制度上常发生的争议。

    To solve the problems , we try to analyze the problem of insurance interest through the principle of compensation for the damage .

  29. 主要是通过比例原则、法律保留原则、正当程序原则和公正补偿原则来限制。

    Primarily , such restrictions are to be effectuated by means of the proportionality principle , due procedure principle and just compensation principle .

  30. 保险代位求偿权是保险损失补偿原则的派生产物、兼顾了民法公平原则。

    Insurance Subrogation is the derivative product of the principle of compensation for insured losses both with the civil law principle of fairness .